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Randoms crashes with hostiles NPCs


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Hi guys,


I'm actually having randoms crashes when encounter hostiles NPCs (like bandits, foresworms). I've done some tests on my own :

- 80% of the hostiles NPCs do not crash my game

- The other 20% crash my game (return to desktop) if they come too close from my PC.

- However my game do not crash if these bugged NPCs are killed from far away (tfc + kill).


So I've done some research before posting this, and I've read some tutorials about bashed patches. I'm not at home atm (so I can't test it), but do you guys think it will solve my problem ? Because I have maybe like 10+ mods who modify the leveled list. I can't think of anything else.


Sorry to bother you guys with this, but I need to know if my thought process if correct or not.


Thanks anyways =)


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anytime you have 2 or 3 mods or more installed you should use a patch file, download Wrye Bash below in my siggy and it will automatically make you a bashed patch, then just enable it :smile:


EDIT: make sure the bashed patch is last unless you're using an ENB or the Reproccer

Edited by gromulos
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anytime you have 2 or 3 mods or more installed you should use a patch file, download Wrye Bash below in my siggy and it will automatically make you a bashed patch, then just enable it :smile:


EDIT: make sure the bashed patch is last unless you're using an ENB or the Reproccer

You do know that the Bashed patch that is first created and placed in the load order is EMPTY correct??


IN order to have a working Bashed Patch the user MUST right click on "bashed_patch01.esp" select "Rebuild patch" then configure the patch in the menu, then once the patch is created the user will have a real bashed patch.


1. Open Wrye bash (SKIP to # 5 if NOT merging mods into patch)

2. Select entire mod list

3. Right click and "Mark mergable"

4. Click list to DE select.

5. Right Click on Bashed Patch 0 .esp and Select "Rebuild Patch"

6. if you get a pop-up asking to MERGE click yes if you want all the mods from step 3. to be included in the patch. "Skip" if not merging Then in patch config make sure "merge patches" is DEselected.

6. Check all Sections on Right side and Left side for proper choices.

7. Click "build Patch"

8. Read the Report! See if everything is correct.


In no way would i figure that is "Automatic" Yes Wrye gives you a BLANK patch to start but if the user does not do anything it will do nothing.


The latest version does so much more then just leveled lists! <<<That's version 306.0.10 (not found on the Nexus).

Edited by camaro_69_327
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@bojanni : I'm good now =)


For the record, I have installed http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12801/?, delete "rich merchants", run LOOT (witch I believe did nothing, since every plugin has his priority set to -max or 0), and made my bash patch like this -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRk2XluECXU


It's working now, I have succesfully load some problematic saves (with problematic fights) and no CTDs. I did not expect this to be that easy :blush:


Thank you for you help =)

Quick question, should I rebuild the patch & run LOOT everytime after a mod installation ?

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