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Your pile of shame


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For me... I couldn't complete any of the monster hunter games for multiple reasons:

1: All the armors made your character either look like a prostitute or a stripper

2: The ranged weapons were crap and impossible to aim

3: The start was piss-easy, but as soon as you got to the third quest group, it became impossible

4: If you wanted to kill anything more powerful than a velociprey, you had to use a sword that was taller than you

5: The loading times

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I've never finished morrowind... :( My xbox broke before I could, and now I don't have an xbox at all. My computer would likely not have the space to support it because it has small hard drives.


Although I've played it over and over, I never finished the main quest. I think I finished 50% of everything else, half of what I didn't finish I half finished.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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I have yet to finish Half Life 2 or any of its episodes. I am currently trying to play it, but its hard for me to play it for long periods of time like I can for some other games.
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Half Life is incredibly overated Yoba, it's got about 3 puzzles in it and a gravity gun, other than that it's your standard, if not substandard corridor FPS.


It's Valve, and it's a Half Life game, and thus people will scream that my comment is heresy, but it sells because of the brand. It's like Mass Effect, COD or Halo, or to give you another analogy, a BMW. They're all rather mediocre, but the "fit in with the crowd" value is off the charts, thus unimaginative kids who are trying to be cool will flock to it and die to defend it, just to be on the side of the game "everyone likes"


My latest is Shift 2. I had thought that Mass Effect would set the alltime low record for generic. I had also thought that no other video game could possibly have worse controls than Resident Evil. Shift II is more generic than Mass Effect and has worse controls than Resi. It]'s also woefully unreliable(it completely freezes whenever you enter "photo mode", when you display a particular combination of colours on screen(green, red and yellow with balck and white, causes insta-crash) and frequently for no reason at all. Worst of all though is the appauling save glitch: this game cannot remember your actions.


It can chart progress, but when you load the game after shutting down, it will often have forgotten your car's tuning layouts and paint schemes, reseting them to defaults without a refund. This wouldnt be acceptable anywhere, but in a game that's focused around customising car's it's worse than unnacpetablle.


All in all it's a virtualy unplayable pile of tripe, I honestly cannot comprehend how they could go from Hot Pursuit back to this miserable ProStreet remake so quickly! it defies logic.

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I've kind of put Half Life 2 down for Bioshock now. Its pretty fun even though it terrifies me at every corner :mellow: . But I want to play it and Bioshock 2 before the new one comes out, its honestly a lot more adrenaline-filled and fun than Half-Life 2 is.


And yeah, I played Shift 2 at a friend's house for about an hour and got extremely bored. We went back to Hot Pursuit, I love that game :happy:

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List of Mah shame:


Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout: Tactics, Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel (PS2), Elder Scrolls I: Arena, Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall, Elder Scrolls III:Morrowind, Dragonquest VIII, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (Could never beat the last mission!! EVEN WITH CHEATS) Gran Turismo 5, Diablo II, Red Faction, Turning Point: Fall of Liberty (F<>King Terrible GAME!!!), Left 4 Dead, Starcraft, Pokemon: Soul Silver (Not challenging enough!!), Age of Empires III, IHRA Drag Racing II (WORST GAME BETHESDA EVER MADE IMO!!!), and many more!!


Whoa, I'm out of breath.

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Arc the Lad - Boring, tasteless

FFX - Too much dialogue, bored me

FFVIII - WHY? Why the near invincible robot combo demon thing?

Original Spyro the Dragon (THAT one shames me) - I will FOREVER hate you, Tree tops and Crystal Flight...

Qbert - Boring.

Soul Calibur II - Could you have made the game longer, really?

Gex - I hate how hard this is. I don't even want to talk about it.

Rayman - Why make the end levels some giant flying death thorn mazes?

Croc - Stuck on fourth world.



Tons of others too...

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i wouldnt put Mass Effect in the same group as CoD. ppl buy CoD because its CoD. nothing changes, it sucks. ppl buy ME cause tis good and they hope for better every time.



anyways the games ive never finished (not counting old games like PS1 games or anything)


FFXII (i know im near the end, but it got mad hard)

Mercenaries 2 (suckkkeedd)

Diablo 2 (well i finished it, but i didnt finish the expansion)

FONV (hated it. but i will finish it with mods)

DA2 (hated it but will finish it with or without mods, maybe both)

Sacred 2 (it was fun, but not fun enough to push through. i might go back though.)

Killzone 2 (i did finish this, but it took me like a year. i thought the SP sucked. nvr went online)

3D Dot game heroes (i bought it, wasnt my cup of tea, and returned it)

LBP (didnt like it, got boring once my friend left and i had to play solo. online isnt the same as couch coop)

Prince of Persia (just wasnt a fan, though idk if i gave it much of a try lol bought and returned withing a week if that)

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Good lord where to begin with what I never finished?

Diddy Kong Racing, Donkey Kong 64, Castlevania 64, Morrowind, Borderlands, Amnesia Dark Descent, 007 Golden Eye, Diablo II, Crysis 2, Bioshock, Resident Evil 2-4 and 0, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Need For Speed Hot Pursuit, Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon, all of my Pokemon versions, Dragon Age 2, Little Big Planet 1 & 2, Mercenaries 2 and the list goes on and on with like 100+ games :facepalm:


Games I have beaten

LoZ: Ocarina of Time, LoZ: Majora's Mask, Turok, Turok 3, Turok Evolution,Fallout 3, Fallout NV, Oblivion, Star Fox 64, Bioshock 2, RE 1 & 5, Rune Factory 3, Simpson's Hit & Run, Sonic DX Director's Cut, Castlevania Legacy of Darkness, Dragon Age: Origins and maybe 3-4 more.


As you can see I have a horrible habit of playing a game then starting another game before finishing what I already had :sweat:

Edited by TKHawke
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