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The Dark Gift


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Hello, I am fascinated with vampires at this point in my life, is it possible to make a legit vampire Mod where all this happens?


1. You feed, (on Humans or animals) and get more color to your skin - but still pale nonetheless,

2. You can make others vampires but it will make you weak for sometime until your next meal,

3. If you do not eat your lips, or others will sink in and you will become pale and people will start noticing you are vampires

4. You will instantly die if you are out in the sun, no if's and's or but's

5. There are few hunters, but not much for many take it as a joke, but the more you kill, or turn into your own breed the more hunters there will become.

6. All vampire become friendly to you, even normally rogue vampires (although you can make them attack)

7. and last but not least you can either drain blood and kill, or just suck some blood out, and the person you kill get regenerated into the world with a different randomly picked name.

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There are a couple of vampire overhaul mods out there, though I don't think any one of them accomplishes everything you'd like to see. I use Better Vampires ( http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/9717/? ) which is configurable using the Mod Configuration Manager in SkyUI. It covers most of what you'd like to happen. You can set how much sun damage you take, whether you get stronger or weaker when you feed, how many hunters you're likely to encounter and so on.

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Here is the thing with the "dying in sunlight" how will you block out the sun with Auriels bow if you cant go out in the daylight? at all, Infact what kind of vampire fan will download a vampire mod that makes it impossible to play at daytime as a vampire and by extension...not being able to buy anything EVER because shops are only open during daytime.

Edited by tx12001
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Here is the thing with the "dying in sunlight" how will you block out the sun with Auriels bow if you cant go out in the daylight? at all, Infact what kind of vampire fan will download a vampire mod that makes it impossible to play at daytime as a vampire and by extension...not being able to buy anything EVER because shops are only open during daytime.

Besides, in the original folklore, vampires can stand the sun. It's just that their powers were weakened.

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