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blend file to nif


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I'm using blender to make a mesh (just a simple sphere), but when I save it in blender, it saves as a blend file. How do I convert it to nif? I'm technologically illiterate, so please explain in the simplest way possible.

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cdo947214 - Hello!


Have you got Blender 2.49 & Nif Scripts installed?


It needs to be the old Blender 2.49 because that is the one that Nif Scripts works with.


If so, in Blender with your object loaded go to the top - File - Export - Netimmerse/gamebryo.... Give your export a name & save.


There will be a settings menu come up, select Fallout 3 from the list of games & that should set up your .nif properly.


You'll probably need to do some tweaking in Nifskope with things like Alpha & collision but that's basically it.


If you have a newer version of Blender you'll need to install the older with Nif Scripts & export out of the new Blender in another format & import into Blender 2.49 to then export as a .nif. Some people do that so they can use the later versions of Blender.


Don't forget if you've created a brand new object to give it texture, a great guide video for that can be found here:



The end of that video even shows exporting to .nif, though it was made back in Oblivion days so remember it's Fallout 3 you want. :smile:


Hope this helps!



Edited by prensa
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