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Cannot update FO3 to 1.7(or 1.6) patch. Help please?

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Sorry if i sound like a total noob, I am a total noob.

I recently purchased the Original retail version of Fallout3 on disc. Installed it and it works fine, added the NMC's texture packs, installed FOMM, fellout, fellout nights, used the large address aware enabler, everything is golden.

This is where i got stuck: downloaded and installed FOSE, FOSE wont run because original retail version. Use the updater from the Bethsoft page, appears to work fine, opens Fallout, however when i try to run FOSE i get the same error. If i hover over Fallout3.exe it still says:
File version:

I've tried uninstalling FO3, FOMM, reinstalling FOSE can't get it to work, and can't seem to find anyone who has had the same problem.

I've searched through the forum and found someone who had a similar problem but his problem was caused by having a Romanian version. Mine is UK.

I'm well stuck.

Any ideas?

Also: to run FOMM i have to Run as administrator, if that makes a difference.

Edited by supersonicdeathsquad
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I recently purchased the Original retail version of Fallout3 on disc.


Don't know how much you paid for it, but I'd ask for a refund and get the GOTY version via Steam instead. Fo3 GOTY should be around 20 bucks or so via Steam.


Anyway. I'm just guessing here, but since the large adress aware enabler modifies the Fo3 executable, it could be that's why you can't apply the update. Did you make a backup of the original executable? If so, replace the modified one with it and see if it works.


Also, exactly where did you install Fallout 3? What directory (folder)? If you installed it somewhere under "Program Files", then reinstall it to another directory.

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Uninstall Fallout 3 completely. Search your computer and remove any and all files related to Fallout 3. Reinstall the game and when you come to the screen where it asks if you want a default install or custom install, choose custom install.


You will have to input a file path for the installation. Choose a location other than "Program FIles" and allow the game to install. At this point, you can install the 1.7 patch. After you have the patch installed, you can install the DLCs (if any).


Do not add any mods at this time.


See: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1465357-installing-fallout-3-with-windows-78-and-xp/


and: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/652876-fallout-3-modding-and-you/

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