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Steampunk Oblivion - Recruiting


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Erm...anyway, I've been working on a model for a steampunk-ish turret lately, and I was wondering if you might want to use it. I realize it's a little rough, but if you like it, I'll gladly finish it up.

Unfortunately, my texturing skills are...well, bad. Lemme know what you think.



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Id like to help with this... I really shouldnt, I have alot to do...

But it sounds so good :sweat:

Okay, I could help :teehee:

I can texture, do most things with the CS, Im learning to model too.

I guess I could draw some concepts for you too. If you want, that is.

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I created a set of clothing for an NPC I was working on which gave him a mechanical right arm. I had the idea that he had a non playable gun he would use (along with new animations). He would accompany the Player on a few quests.


Also, we are starting to get a lot of modeler talent around here, so I think we should outline a few things that are needed. Maybe a list of weapons clutter and such.


Also maybe a list of inspirational resources, games, movies etc. I would point out the game Arcanum this was the game that started my desire to make steampunk stuff. It has all kinds of weapons and armor and clothes that would fit the mod we are making. It has Tesla Coil clubs, Propane powered Axes, and a top hat which repulses missle weapons. I have already made the Hat, and know how to make it work. Wouldn't that be awesome? Arrows would veer off to the side an never hit you.

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has Tesla Coil clubs, Propane powered Axes, and a top hat which repulses missle weapons. I have already made the Hat, and know how to make it work. Wouldn't that be awesome? Arrows would veer off to the side an never hit you.


What about some kind of steam-version of Samus arm-weapon from Metroid, you know like a glove with a hole to fire arrows with maybe a steam-sound when firing, or just that fires diferent spells like fast fireballs or whatever? Just an idea... Go Steampunk!

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Looks like an awesome project. I'm too swamped with stuff for my own mod (I bit off more than I could chew, and am now force feeding myself). I know that the people over at teamshare will allow you to set up a team project. You can make it so that only members registered to the site, to your team, can download or upload anything. http://pagesleft.com/teamshare/index.php


Just thought I would share

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Sextuple post Raathas, I'm not sure whether to be impressed or terrified.


Phayze- I've been able to only skim your story so far, but what I've read is very well written, high quality all around. The only problem with it is in length- the little pages of an oblivion book can contain only so many words, and the story would almost certainly have to be a 4 or 5 book series. I still need to go over it more, but I'll see if we'd be able to fit it into the mod.


As far as guns are concerned, I'm not completely against them being affiliated with the mod, I just think it's a little impractical and doesn't mesh very well with the storyline. Guns in Oblivion are glitchy at best and difficult to work with; Steampunk in other places can pull off guns really well, I just don't think we'd be able to replicate that success. If anyone really wants to try it go ahead by all means, but it's not something I'm counting on.


Clockout- I'm not sure there will be a very appropriate place for a working version of a turret, but there are loads of places we'd be able to place an experimental-technology version some NPC may be tinkering with. If you'd like to work further on it, we'd almost certainly be able to find somewhere to set it as clutter.


Buddha- I'd love to have your help! Your work and expertise show all over the nexus, and it's certainly welcome here. I'm wondering if you'd be interested in using the CS creatively to create interactive puzzles- perhaps weight puzzles you'd find in a tombraider game, key puzzles like you may find in an oldschool RPG, or maybe a tile-flipping mechanism. Really just about anything, if that sounds like any fun to you. I don't think there's much in the way of texturing to be done currently, but I suspect there will be plenty down the road. I'd love any concept art as well, should you be bored at a bus-stop or such, or if you just happen to have a good idea, but it's probably not something that we'll need over other projects.


Corthian- I really like the idea of a mechanical arm, and we'd be able to make a playable version by copying the other sleeve over easily enough. I've also been looking into a website as well where we'd be able to keep track of everything, and speaking of which

TheUseless- From what I've seen, Teamshare looks great! I appreciate that input, I'll definitely look into that.

A place to share files, list what has and needs to be done, define the mod, and keep track of everyone contributing would be very beneficial.



And for a little rambling from me, I'm still working on draft 2 of the story. My goal in that is to set out the framework and basic direction of the main questline, as well as define the feeling and culture of the mod a little bit more thoroughly. I'll be leaving places open within the story, then turning over to those helping with writing. I've run into a lot more decisions figuring everything out than I'd expected, which has taken me much longer than anticipated, but hopefully I'll be able to post it before too long.


I've also realized we're going to need a doctor or a nurse within the city; Oblivion lacks any kind of doctors (presumably because of restorative magic), but since magic won't have been introduced to the Steampunk city at the beginning of the story, having a doctor would make sense. Being a doctor wouldn't be a full-time job in a small city though, so they'll probably be a researcher of the wildlife found in the overland dungeon. Just a character idea, incase anyone sees a wicked-awesome labcoat in their browsing.


Edit- Also, we've been using Skype a bit to communicate together. It's nice for a quick discussion of ideas, conference to throw ideas at the wall, or even have a larger development meeting. Pretty handy stuff, so feel free to download it and add my account - Shredator25

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Your work and expertise show all over the nexus

It does?

Must be another Buddha :whistling:


I could give the puzzles a go.

Probbably not tonight though, its 25 past midnight here >.>

Ive sent you a request on skype aswell.


Im also gonna steal your sig image an resize it, if thats okay with you =3

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