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Star wars The Old Republic(MMORPG)


Star wars The Old Republic(MMORPG)  

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I remain cynical.


But Im not going to post what that trailer left me thinking. Ive said what I think about this game. I dont have faith in bioware, I dont have faith in lucas arts and I think starwars is long past its prime. I was also greatly offended by their viral advertising and wouldnt buy this game if it was the last video game in history.


Nonethless you have a right to disagree and like this game, and I'll respect that. Though it is important to have some degree of criticism to balance out a review-that can only make something stronger.

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Vira ladvertsing?? i haven't come across any advertising of the sort. I guess its because i have firefox and a few nifty plugins :thumbsup: :thumbsup: and didn't come across them.


Still the kotor series were ahead of its time back then, not to mention with plot holes :huh: , who knows this might cover some, or all.

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Viral advertising in that people frequently came into various mmorpgs and started yelling about the virtues of SWTOR.


A few times and I could attribute it to very zealous fanboys. After about 60 sepreate occurances in 5 diferent games of similar wording I see a connection. If this IS actualy bioware related then Im never going to buy one of their games again.


Sending someone to log into another game, spam an ad for swtor, then say across all possible channels that the fans of whatever game its in are idiots for loving it and that swtor will be soo much better, ect, is just wrong. Its direcpectful, both to gamers, to themselves, and to gaming itself, it offended a lot of people, and it doesnt sell games.


I also really dont like bioware anyway, it often feels to me like they release games for profit and only profit. It feels to me like their last few games have been as similar to mass effect as they can be without being mass effect, and which required as little possible effort and funding to make, just so that fanboys will buy them and make bioware even richer. An example is alpha protocol, Ive played it and its mass effect with a retexture, on a gameplay level. Im not naive enough to think that gaming corps exist to do anything but make money, but bioware's behavior is just damn cynical.

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I've liked what I've seen so far. Yes....they might totally screw it up... or they may make the best MMO in years. sadly even a good MMO can die fast if the game mods let RMT's and gold miners invade and take over... then who cares about the Sith... Korean money traders have wrecked a number of games. Sadly it's a real business there...last big MMO I played.. 350 RMT's in a Korean guild literally killed the game . Bad Game Mods also can ruin a game.. one I played before was destroyed by bad Mods. some.. in what should have been a TOS violation ran their own accounts and hacked and cheated and banned anyone who annoyed them by pking them for cheating... Hopefully none of this happens to SWTOR otherwise it will be good for about 2-3 months then a lost and forgotten game.
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Korea isnt at fault.


While I think you are right and respectr your point, I think you should perhaps edit your previous post, korea makes up a fairly small portion of all RMT-south america and the russian federation are the real culprits.



Trading in game currency for real money is a greedy and criminal activity that should have no place in gaming. Especialy considering how some of these scum get the currency in the first place. I once had a guy rob the entire treasury of my guild in champions online then brag about it on the forums. This is why you need iron fisted moderation to cut these RMT cancers out of the game whenever they appear. Ofcourse because this was champions online nothing was ever done, the game only has 2 moderators and only one of those actualy ever logged on.


The only way this can be stopped permanantly is trhough government action. In the Koreas you have other options to fund a gaming career than selling gold. But in south america, eastern europe, and china you simply dont. These areas have many very small very poor countries with very low employment. In korea the law is atleast enforced. In columbia, venezuela, chile, serbia, albania, georgia, and other such countries, you have virtualy no police force, extremely archaic laws which are almost never enforced, and a what police you have are usualy corrupt to the core.


You need to give people jobs and alternatives to stop crime, and with the countries responsible for the majority of gold selling usualy being extremely poor misgoverned hellholes, the situation not likely to ever change any to soon.

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I might have a look, however I'm still very disappointed that they chose to create a MMO instead of a proper game. I would have had a little more confidence before Bioware became part of EAs evil empire, now I fear EAs greed will spoil it.
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Well, it just seems to be capitalising too much on reputation.


Responses like those of Leet Gamer and Thor, while they are perfectly welcome to hold those opinions, really underline why I DONT like bioware. Bioware has made a few good games, the fans of which are extremely vocal, but also a few really lousy games every body seems to forget like the truly miserable alpha protocol.


This feels more like an extremely cynical marketing play, perhaps to gather some extra capital for ME3, than an honest to god game. So far Ive seen very very little actual gameplay images or footage, very little information on it from bioware except "its gonna be awesome" and "its nearly finished". Which makes me suspicious that with such an enormously anticipated game, that they really dont have all that much to show. I have the cynical expectation that this will be a very poor quality game, probably on an old engine, sold under the old republic flag so that bioware's fanboys all rush out an buy it. pessimistic I know, but Ive been a victim of that before.


Something very similar happened with Champions online. Cryptic got a huge contract: the rights to make startrek online and so to raise funds they tossed out a champions online. A remake of COH that a lot of people bought thinking it would be COH with modern visuals and better customisation-it wasnt. CO was little more than a husk, with almost no content, almost hourly server crashes. more glitches than I can mention here and such a laughably badly managed and violent community that even if the game, one of the worst mmorpgs ever, wasnt bad enough, the "too bad even for wow" community would.


Bioware is churning out games at an alarming rate and it seems strange that a corp credited for several highly acclaimed games, even one as big as bioware, could work on 3 full games at the same time. And after alpha protocol, which was essentialy a re skinned mass effect 1 but with even worse gunplay and a storyline so terrible I cant mention it for fear of being banned. I really doubt they would bother making swtor anything more than a money making exercise.


Because lucasarts is an extremely enthusiastic studio, but not a very competant one. Force Unleashed was one of the all time WORST games Ive ever had the misfortune of playing, and the LA dev leads promise at E3 for FU2 to be "forece unleashed times two" left me downright frightened. If these clowns have anything to do with this, I think champions online, though entirely colonised by furries and with the worst mmo gameplay Ive seen since AION, would seem like a holiday.

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BioWare has been churning out games out at an alarming rate? How so? BW always uses the same engines for sequel and the max time you would see a sequel released by BW is two years (e,g. BG 1998, BG2 2000). Many of it's games receive high praise for it's story and characters but the game mechs suck at the beginning until they fix it in a sequel (e.g. ME and ME2). Alpha Protocol was not made by BW but Obsidian Entertainment, BW 'best friend' and it was Sega's fault that it didn't go well. It was a good concept though but bad management caused it to go sour.


As for Lucasarts, it just basically appeal to the younger generation and every single game just appeals to younger and younger kids (which is scary). The appeal of Star Wars is just washed away and it feels like playing some game/show spin off like Ben 10 or Dora the Explorer. I hope Lucas is happy with his pile of cash because he is just single handedly caused the biggest franchise of our time to be sold out. I assume that TOR will be a success because of BW and EA's marketing campaign but I won't be a fool and pay $19.99 per month just because BW has made it. This is nothing more than make or brake for BW/EA into Activision/Blizzard MMO dominance and if BW fails, well then I fear for it's future.

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