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Ebola Has the next scare began?


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Respect isn't a right, it's something that needs to be earned and falling for media driven hysteria isn't the way to go about it, in fact that invites ridicule as seen in that cartoon.

Peoples fears must be taken seriously or people will find others to take them seriously. This is how extremist are made.


Even when those fears are artificially overblown by our 'leaders'?




Especially so. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink. You can also ween them off the drivel that these leaders are feeding them, when they begin looking around and see where these leaders have lead them as opposed to where we are. It might take decades and some ma never unshackle the bonds of dependency, but the truth is something that can not be hidden for long.

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Our government seems to be doing a fine job of 'varnishing over' the truth..... They keep telling us that 'things are just peachy', even though most folks are well aware they are not. So where are the folks that should be calling out our government on these blatant lies? Why do we not hear from them, aside from in discussion forums on gaming boards, that not a single government agency pays the least attention to?

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Respect isn't a right, it's something that needs to be earned and falling for media driven hysteria isn't the way to go about it, in fact that invites ridicule as seen in that cartoon.

Peoples fears must be taken seriously or people will find others to take them seriously. This is how extremist are made.



No, taking these people and their fears seriously is the last thing you do, that would only reinforce those fears. If those people are being mocked then others are far less likely to take them seriously which makes it harder to spread that fear.

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Ebola is something that has killed maybe 20,000 people world wide since it's discovery in the 90's.


Obesity kills several times that a year.


Even if you only want to talk about things which a person has little or no control over it killing them, deaths due to drunk driving (eg. people killed by drunk drivers) far outnumbers that on a yearly basis.


How is the fear of Ebola rational again?

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I never said it was rational, but you must do everything in your power to keep the lines of discussion open. Fear is something that builds upon itself and if you make fun of others, at their own expense then you sufficiently seperate them from yourself and drive them back into the arms of those who would embrase that fear in an attempt to radicalize them for their own ends.


Ebola is something foreign to America and we are quite well known for our lack of attention to things off our shore. It is one of the few realities that anger me about my fellow countrymen. It seems there is a part of our society that deems the rest of the world as unnecessary and stands ready, illing and able to pat themselves on their own backs, just because they dropped out of their mamas womb within our borders. These people are the ones that are ripe for the piking, from those on the fringe and it is the fear of them loosing control of their situation that leads us to the debate we are now having.


Freedom in this country is something that is almost a religion to some people and it's that ideal of freedom that drives much of this craziness. People have this delusion of personal power that is relatively impotent, but when you take the issue to them, they will get seriously unhenged in their responses. These are the people who have coated their existance with an cloak of sentiments about individuality that shrinks everyday in proportion to the intrusion within their lives of the rest of the world. It radically rocks their world and gives them the sense that they are loosing control of something they really had no control over in the first place.


This is what, in realty is what is happening to the country and what is at the heart of the controversy between the left and the right. All that has been familiar to those who strive for the comfortable, the familiar and what has worked throughout their lives have been assaulted by those who wish to take America in a new direction. It is these birth pains that are the most destructive to the well being of society and this entrance of Ebola into our society is just another symbolic brick in the coffin of those who look at change with animosity.


I am a firm believer in human nature and I believe that laughing at other fears separates them from us and separating human beings from other human beings almost always leads to something far more dangerous than the original issue. We must reach out to others with our strengths and deal with them as human beings on an equal basis. If not then we are apart of the problem, not the solution.

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I don't want to get sucked by the power of this Ebola fear. A powerful conterpower is humour. Fear triggers "everyone for himself" type of behaviors while it's more fun to laugh together, even if it's at your own depend, it can even lead to self-questioning.

Beside that, I personally think that a point of non return has been reached in the way things are messed up. I feel powerless and desperate.
And it is said that "Laugh is the politeness of despair" ..

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@Vagrant The first outbreak was in the mid 70's, it goes back 40 years so it's nothing new.


@Pixelhate Laughter is the best medicine.


I think that the term laughter is the best medicine is for internal use only. It only medicinal if you are doing the laughing. There are people out there that see nothing fuuny and there are people who are scared because of their lack of knowledge. Some of them activly embrace ignorance because they have already established all the truth they need and see little use in aquiring anything that will disturb their tranquility. These are the only ones that I see who are beyond anything other than full acceptance that they are who they are.


The rest of society is, in my opinion well worth reaching out to and this idea of making fun of their concerns bothers me in the extreme. It is these mutable individuals who are still looking for the truth and, to me, it is our responsibility to present what we know as truth without snicking at them for not seeing the entire picture of reality. Fear has a way of blocking out everything that is humane about man and history is replete with examples of people who in a state of fear have acted abysmally. They same holds true for those within crowds.


Fear and anger are forms of insanity to me and I set as an example of how many times we, as human beings have struck out against innocents because we have been taken over by these emotions. I know I have hurt others in it's thralls and to see the look of hurt on the faces of those I love and know that I put it there is not a feeling I wish to experience again.



We must separate that which we can not change from those that we can and work with, not on those we can work with. It is our duty as human beings to listen to those who share the planet. What other duty comes anywhere close to this, sense the human race is the one most apt at effecting itself.

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Pandering to people is only going to reinforce those fears, we should we be honest with them, they're acting like fools and should be made aware of that fact. Lack of knowledge is no excuse whatsoever, the information is out there and if they're too lazy to look then they deserve all they get. Wrapping people in cotton wool and patronising them isn't going to help them, it's treating them like children. On this side of the pond the press did try to whip hysteria, the general reaction of people was to laugh at it and as a result we don't have people living in fear.

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Pandering to people is only going to reinforce those fears, we should we be honest with them, they're acting like fools and should be made aware of that fact. Lack of knowledge is no excuse whatsoever, the information is out there and if they're too lazy to look then they deserve all they get. Wrapping people in cotton wool and patronising them isn't going to help them, it's treating them like children. On this side of the pond the press did try to whip hysteria, the general reaction of people was to laugh at it and as a result we don't have people living in fear.

I never said anything about pandering. I said respecting their fear and acknowledging their state of mind. Pandering is what our elected official do and they do it not out of respect but for what they can get from these people. Acknowledging others fear doesn't validate that fear but assure those who have it are important enough to another to matter. What part of being ridiculed or laughed at ever made anyone fee acknowledges as a fellow human? To my knowledge, no one.


Respect the person. Acknowledge that the fear is real. Not what they fear, but that they have fear. Give them the information that they need to make an informed desision on the matter at hand.


This entire episode has been handled abysmally and in the light of present administrations track record of competency, I think much of the paranoia has been ginned up more by the inaction and inattention by the powers that be than any other group.

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