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nude images should it stay or should it go now



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  1. 1. should nude images go?

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Clarification needed: nude images in the image share? in the supporter image share? on file pages? nude body mods? revealing clothing mods?


Dark0ne's already made a "no nudity" declaration for the regular image share, though I'm still seeking clarification on just where the line is drawn.


Nudity itself is not such a bad thing. It's all in how it's portrayed. Pornography (and obscenity in general) is something people have struggled to define since the beginning. "I know it when I see it" is damned hard to put down in specific terms no matter the wording used.


As it stands I must answer no. Edit your question to be more specific, and I might change that.

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I say 'yes' cos due to the obvious absence of any "facial control" by the player a lot of figures look already darn ugly and mean, dressed and undressed... and in these instances the latter really sucks!



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I think it should stay.


The whole point of modding is to modify a game, add new content and new ways to play. If you're offended by that then you're simply a prude. No one is demanding that you view nude images or use nude mods, and you can filter them in profile options. That being so, I dont think its right to lobby for everyone to have this censored.


Nudity can be censored, but not ignored, we are all naked under our clothes and sexuality is a core aspect of human existance and human culture. Removing all nude/sexual mods would simply destroy people's hard work and make them download them at one of the various mirror sites, thus costing the nexus a surprisingly large amount of traffic. If this is at core a worry that little boys might see nudity on site, then I say now that so much nudity exists in the modern publicv domian, and in "childrens" media, that you should start there first. This is an adult site, removing adult content diminishes its quality and commitmernt to free modding.


If nudity offends you then simply turn "show adult content" off in your nexus profiles, site by site, it isnt hard and it spares you from seeing thta which offends you. but I for one see no harm in it. Im 19 while pornography is not excepable, cencoring the nexus is no step towards cencoring pornography.

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Prude? That was a good one!

Censoring is the only way to bring somethin' like quality back into the games and thus, to the Nexus. This includes porn, erotica and everythin' related, if needed. Though what we have seen lately by the users (don't sell them to us as modders, okay!) had no fire, no nothing. It was just bad! Once understood it is likewise clear that it was necessary to make a decisive cut in the matter. Become supporter and then, and not before, you might show the people the real McCoy.

Try to understand that it was for sure not nudity as such that has offended, but too much prefab trash, undressed...




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I think it should stay.


The whole point of modding is to modify a game, add new content and new ways to play. If you're offended by that then you're simply a prude. No one is demanding that you view nude images or use nude mods, and you can filter them in profile options. That being so, I dont think its right to lobby for everyone to have this censored.


Nudity can be censored, but not ignored, we are all naked under our clothes and sexuality is a core aspect of human existance and human culture. Removing all nude/sexual mods would simply destroy people's hard work and make them download them at one of the various mirror sites, thus costing the nexus a surprisingly large amount of traffic. If this is at core a worry that little boys might see nudity on site, then I say now that so much nudity exists in the modern publicv domian, and in "childrens" media, that you should start there first. This is an adult site, removing adult content diminishes its quality and commitmernt to free modding.


If nudity offends you then simply turn "show adult content" off in your nexus profiles, site by site, it isnt hard and it spares you from seeing thta which offends you. but I for one see no harm in it. Im 19 while pornography is not excepable, cencoring the nexus is no step towards cencoring pornography.

i compleatly aggree, this is one of the resions why things are rated for the approate age and matureaty level, as for the salution to this problem, people who are not members of the forms go to vew a explicid immage(pornografick or outherwise)is a page saying that there need to be a menmber to vew the immage, if a member under 18(the age restriction for moast "adult" games and outher materail) the immage should be censored so that all the grafick materail in the picture is not visabull(black bar's or a non grafick vertion of the immage displayed also a prompt to verrify weather the person wishes to see the immage), and for those meating the age reqirements and are members can vew the immage (with a prompt also)

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It really concerns and even slightly offends me when people who are personaly offended by something try to have it destroyed or thrown out of the reach of everybody. Nudity on TES nexus, shouldnt, normaly, be any problem to those who dont want it. I understand and respect that some people really are offended by flaunted sexuality or nudity. But it can be avoided without depriving it to those who arent offended by it.


You can switch it off, and rightfully should. With screenshots disabled and the filter on, pornography should be unable to offend you. I respect your dislike/offense at this. I dont like it when people who dont like something that does not harm them lobby for its destruction. Who would choose this of all places to view pornography anyway? when a thousand corrupt and depraved websites are out there that would boil your blood, why search through hundred upon hundreds of files for half censored low rez pictures of ugly elflings with laughable bodies and haglike faces?


The true problem, as Surenas got close to, is quality and standards. You should be required to rate any adult image as exactly that. failure to do so should be punishable. And another thing-those who upload this, atleast try, please, bare breasts and a prefab HGEC body arent enough to make a feamle character sexy or atrractive. It just makes you look silly. And while a good lauch can be worth it, I dont like laughing AT peoples characters, so please, if you're going to wave your cyber tits around, do us a favour and make sure its worth exposing in the firts place.


Because showing a Xenius or Ren prefab as your own work in a vannila pose with DMGEC prefab body doesnt impress anyone. Work at screenshots and make sure they are worth immortalising in this database and for public view BEFORE you press upload, please.

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It really concerns and even slightly offends me when people who are personaly offended by something try to have it destroyed or thrown out of the reach of everybody.


I agree with you there, If we start removing any and everything that is offensive to someone on the internet. We might as well pull the plug and eliminate it altogether.


No matter what you do it wont satisfy everyone. On this site there are options to hide such material. That should be good enough.


I am in favor of censorship in regard to children, but when the site clearly asks notifies you of and has ways to disable AOC. Then if it is offensive to you USE the options available, Simple as that.


If there were no options to disable it, I would be in favor of adding a system to do it. When there is a system and someone just doesn't want to use it for whatever reason. People shouldn't sit there and say that because I don't like it others should either.

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If there were no options to disable it, I would be in favor of adding a system to do it. When there is a system and someone just doesn't want to use it for whatever reason. People shouldn't sit there and say that because I don't like it others should either.

We have from now on the option to enable it. So what?

Don't you like that? Guess after a few years here you will... :woot:


http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif supp.

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Things are fine as they are, the site has an adult filter and if something isn't tagged as adult when it should be the staff will soon correct it if it's reported. All the games supported here have characters committing acts of violence against each other and no one complains about it but the appearance of a bit of nudity and people become offended, what a strange world we live in.
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