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recently in my warcraft game, upon returning a necklace to the forsaken banshee queen (and former ranger general of Silvermoon) she started to sing out of sadness. a fellow elf called me to him in which he gave me a book, called lament of the highborne, which i found to be what the banshee queen Sylvanas Windrunner was singing.






(book cover)



Elf lyrics





Anar'alah, Anar'alah belore


Shindu fallah na



Shindu Sin'dorei

Shindu fallah na


Anar'alah belore

Shindu Sin'dorei

Shindu fallah na


Anar'alah belore



lose translation:


By the light, by the light of the sun

Children of the blood

Our enemies are breaking through

Children of the blood

By the light

Failing children of the blood

They are breaking through

O' children of the blood

By the light of the sun

Failing children of the blood

They are breaking through

O' children of the blood

By the light of the sun

The sun



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Just asking here, would anyone here want to help me with my elven mod? i just want your ideas on what race of elves i should use as these new elves? maybe i could try to remake ayleids like for example my mod is going to be like an elven armor mod woth circles of ancient ayleids like scools of magic im thinking of using fearsome magicka for the chronomic circle there willl be seven maybe.... and i need ideas for body and armour texures beacause i know kind of what i need for the magisters of the chrono but i need ideas for the mystics like those who speak to that of which passes the vale and the darkness magisters like the last pic here and then the elementalists really need ideas on them.... then the spirit gaurdians that heal and destroy for the balance so.... we have spirit mystics chronomic peacekeepers elementalists necro's... ohand we need arcane magisters that use arcane magics only like with any wow fans here like the blue dragonflight type of thing... any other ideas for the cirlcles post em here? :)
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The Lament of the Highborne is a small book that contains the Thalassian song of the same name. The lament was composed by Derek Duke and Russell Brower and sung by artist Vangie Gunn. It appears on the Burning Crusade soundtrack. The book serves no gameplay purpose, other than to offer the player a chance to reread the lyrics as many times as they wish. The composers revealed that "the quest design team enhanced a new quest line to incorporate the song as a payoff moment".


The lament can be heard in-game by Lady Sylvanas Windrunner and her Highborne Lamenters (pleasant-voiced banshees) after finding her locket (The Lady's Necklace, a gift from her sister Alleria) at Windrunner Spire in the Ghostlands and returning it to the Dark Lady. The Lament of the Highborne song and event were originally absent from the beta phase of The Burning Crusade — however, before release, the event was added to the quest, along with the lyrics to the song. The haunting melody can also be heard as the Burning Crusade credits music, and variations on the lament play in the Eversong Woods and certain areas of the Ghostlands


this is written about the fall of silvermoon, the high elf capital. about 80% of the elves where killed and the survivors called themseves "blood elfs" in honor of the fallen.


i would love to see a blood elf mod, the only elf oblivion race i like is he woods elf and it is still a little strange looking.



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