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SkyUI un-did my mods?


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I just updated my skyui and several of my mods didnt show up in the mcm, i had to reinstall them to get them to work and show up again, so i started playing again and then i realized that all my textures and animations were set back to vanilla, did i do something wrong?

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I don't know about your textures and animations - SkyUI touches neither - but I do know from my own past misadventures that you didn't have to re-install anything to get MCM menus to show up again. They're still there, with the settings you gave them and everything. They'll show up again eventually, but you can force them to reappear; open the console (~) and type setstage SKI_ConfigManagerInstance 1, and wait for a message that says "X new menus found". That'll repopulate your MCM menu, and you won't have to reconfigure all your settings and such.

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All i have had to do to force MCM to look for menus....Press {ESC} click on MCM menu..exit back to game, and MCM will search for new menus on its own. MCM does not do a constant scan for new menus i have had it take over an hour and a menu popped up as recognized.


give it time.

Edited by camaro_69_327
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I tried the setstage and it scanned again clearly but didnt find any new ones, and it goes deeper than animations and textures, almost all my mods are just disabled, but my data isnt grayed out and there all checked and i rechecked them all out of insanity and the game acts like the mods are supposed to be in the game like i can see mod masks and weapons in my inventory and equip them but they dont show up and removing chest armor will crash the game and going in my moded house will crash the game anything modded crashed the game except a handful, im just gana try to see if i downgrade it will fix it because i dont want to reinstall 100+ mods :( and this really makes no sense because yeah skyui doesnt touch any of this stuff, i did notice in the interface the translations folder was completely wiped and some mods use this with mcm which is probably the only reason some weren't showing but the rest is just way over my head

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