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Fixed hair colour


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Is there any way to make a certain haircut not change colours with the customization tools? I mean, is it possible to make it only use the base texture without applying any colour or whatever changes? I tried ticking the "fixed colour" box in GECK when adding the haircut, but that didn't seem to do anything. I tried looking into the .nif file of the hair model and checking if I can change any shaders (like how body models have the "shader_skin" on and use that to change skintones and stuff), but it didn't seem to have any shaders or whatever that might do that.
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most likely. It'd definitely controlled by something. I would think it's either the presence of the _hl.dds. or the fact it has vertex colors. I think I knew how it was done for oblivon at some point, but I've forgotten. I would first try disabling either of those.... or search around for oblivion documentation on hair. I am pretty sure there will be one knocking around in the CSWiki.
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Well, I tried removing the _hl file from the materials the model uses, but that still made it change colour, only the changing was all messed up.

I also tried disabling vertex colors in NifSkope, but that messed it up even more. It just seemed to completely mess up the whole uvmap of the model.

And I couldn't really find anything about this on the wiki.

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