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Question about PC specs


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Hey guys . im gonna buy a new pc and my question is if it would be better to run with 4gb ram and a 2gb GPU ddr5 or 8gb ram and 1 gb GPU ddr5? I hope i can run some lightweight graphics mods .Which one will impact my performance more(for skyrim)? The price was almost identical since i get more of a discount on my video card and im a very tight budget. I think it would be best to go with the better vedeo card but what do you think?

Edited by grimstride
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While I agree that the larger GPU is the better choice, you also need a half-decent processor.


Four cores operating at about 3.2GHz or better would be ideal. You can get by with a dual-core at 2.6 -but that would be the absolute minimum you should have. Anything that low means that your CPU will be the bottleneck in data throughput. Fortunately, quad-core chips (and their respective mobos) can be had at a reasonable price.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I would not go lower than the 280 and you would benefit greatly from the 290x series, the poster above is right get 4 cores or more and 4 gigs of ram to start will be ok as Skyrim won't use more than 3 at the most the video card is always the key to smooth Skyrim performance and get 3 gigs of Vram if possible.
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I would not go lower than the 280 and you would benefit greatly from the 290x series, the poster above is right get 4 cores or more and 4 gigs of ram to start will be ok as Skyrim won't use more than 3 at the most the video card is always the key to smooth Skyrim performance and get 3 gigs of Vram if possible.

Skyrim actively using 8 threads of a 4 core CPU Setting Skyrim up properly is Key.

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