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Hi all, this is my first time here, I'm not a writer or a poet at all, the last time I did anything like this was years ago but after reading some of the stuff here I felt inspired to give it a try.

Criticise if you must ....


I call this poem - Fire heart


I see your feel and I cry your tears,

I carry your wait and dream your fears,

I sun your world and bring you light

and ruin the demons that disturb your night

I’ll run your race and crown your life

and with all my strength I’ll bear your strife

Yes, through thick and thin and against the press

I’ll stand strong and take all your tests

From dusk till dawn and back again

Your innocent gaze my heart enflames

Yes, I am queen, I am conqueror, I am the wind

I’m a lioness crowned, your mother and friend.

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Hi all, this is my first time here, I'm not a writer or a poet at all, the last time I did anything like this was years ago but after reading some of the stuff here I felt inspired to give it a try.

Criticise if you must ....


I call this poem - Fire heart


I see your feel and I cry your tears,

I carry your wait and dream your fears,

I sun your world and bring you light

and ruin the demons that disturb your night

I’ll run your race and crown your life

and with all my strength I’ll bear your strife

Yes, through thick and thin and against the press

I’ll stand strong and take all your tests

From dusk till dawn and back again

Your innocent gaze my heart enflames

Yes, I am queen, I am conqueror, I am the wind

I’m a lioness crowned, your mother and friend.


Great poem. :thumbsup: Can you write more? Let me have a go at it.



From the sky to the endless sea,

You call my name, you search for me.

I come in rush, against the howling wind,

To you from the wolves I shall defend.


If it be the trees, I will cast to the ground,

If it be the mountains, the sounds I will pound.

If it be your tears, I will dry,

If it be your heart, It shall not die.


Your fear is my strength, your worry mine to tend,

Your soul is my wish, your death spells my end.

In the cold embrace, I will not ignore,

I will join you soon, my life is no more.


KeanuMoreira - Burden 7/8/10

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Very good, both of you, and Burnagirl you are clearly both a writer and a poet.


Thank you, Burnagirl and Keanumoreira.


A flourish of cool wind, a flurry of cool rain, just a sprinkle of wetness striking the skin

Walking alone a path bordering high along a grey ocean fronted by golden sandy beach

It comes to me then a deep sadness, a vague memory of loss, a time of painful awakening

shedding of illusions, arising to harsh realities bringing greater awarenes

and if not happiness, at least a peacefulness of inner calm,

of greater self acceptance.


Graham, Alias Maharg67

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Very good, both of you, and Burnagirl you are clearly both a writer and a poet.


Thank you, Burnagirl and Keanumoreira.


A flourish of cool wind, a flurry of cool rain, just a sprinkle of wetness striking the skin

Walking alone a path bordering high along a grey ocean fronted by golden sandy beach

It comes to me then a deep sadness, a vague memory of loss, a time of painful awakening

shedding of illusions, arising to harsh realities bringing greater awarenes

and if not happiness, at least a peacefulness of inner calm,

of greater self acceptance.


Graham, Alias Maharg67



You're too kind Graham, thank you so much, btw I love your work, I call it - Maharg's musings in reality G major - G standing for great ...


And as for you Keanumoreira, you're a star in the making ... muito bem feito !

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Very good, both of you, and Burnagirl you are clearly both a writer and a poet.


Thank you, Burnagirl and Keanumoreira.


A flourish of cool wind, a flurry of cool rain, just a sprinkle of wetness striking the skin

Walking alone a path bordering high along a grey ocean fronted by golden sandy beach

It comes to me then a deep sadness, a vague memory of loss, a time of painful awakening

shedding of illusions, arising to harsh realities bringing greater awarenes

and if not happiness, at least a peacefulness of inner calm,

of greater self acceptance.


Graham, Alias Maharg67



You're too kind Graham, thank you so much, btw I love your work, I call it - Maharg's musings in reality G major - G standing for great ...


And as for you Keanumoreira, you're a star in the making ... muito bem feito !


Thank you, and I can very well say the same to you, very nice work. :thumbsup:


And you too Maharg67, wonderful poem and thanks for the praise. :thumbsup:

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Thank you so much - species5478 and SilverDNA - you are so very kind !!!!


I have been working on a new one, it's not tooo rhymey but it has a great feel, it's going to be called - Fairy with a gun - a bit butch, I know but it's a Fairy Queen and a Human Prince love / war story-poemy thing.

Hopefully I'll finish it soon.


cheers Marcy.

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