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assassin's Creed series


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hehe yea, lucy does annoy me at times, but if u think about it if u see lucy in ac1 then see her in ac2 u can see her face has improved quite a bit, also i find the battles fun expecially the last boss. i like having 1 on 1 battles, but that is just me
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I think so, does she have blonde hair, and fights really well


i also extracted some assassin's creed models, it looks really nice, but i need to extract some textures for the outfit and i have no clue where it would be

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Assassins Creed 1 was repetitive, and Assassins Creed II improved that greatly, so Brotherhood is going to be amazing. I can't wait!

Huge fan of the series, I love everything about it. I recommend it to everyone.

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I tried Assassin's Creed at a friend's house. It was irritating, at one point, where he had to climb that tall tower built into a cliffside for no reason, and kept jumping off. Other than that, I found the free-play part fun. I just started stabbing every guard I saw and tried to see how many bodies I could stack up in the street before and guards started after me (30).
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haha Nice 1, i never tried that, i once tried sneaking kill without getting caught, i failed, i'm more of a upfront kill kinda person, fight with them knowing


When stealth is crutial, I just kill a guard on the rooftops, throw him down where I need him for a distraction, and watch as Ezio's hidden blade is thrust through ones throat. Awww...Simply enjoyable. :biggrin:

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Playing AC2 at the moment and having a huge amount of fun with Ezio. A bonus that he is sexy as well! Gameplay is fun, fights are fun, assassinating is just the best ever! I also like the horse riding - just that bit better than Oblvion's, though again, I have urge to redo the textures! Don't think it's moddable though.


All-round excellent game.

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Playing AC2 at the moment and having a huge amount of fun with Ezio. A bonus that he is sexy as well! Gameplay is fun, fights are fun, assassinating is just the best ever! I also like the horse riding - just that bit better than Oblvion's, though again, I have urge to redo the textures! Don't think it's moddable though.


All-round excellent game.


I love this game so much, that I named my dog after him. True story, swear to god on it.

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