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assassin's Creed series


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It was the guards' fault. I just stabbed a pair of them because I don't like guards, then all the others wandered by because it's apparently a spawn point for guards (In the background).
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It was the guards' fault. I just stabbed a pair of them because I don't like guards, then all the others wandered by because it's apparently a spawn point for guards (In the background).


LOL. :laugh:

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It's ninja time! :ninja:


AC1 had clunky gameplay and limited characterization while AC2 improved many of those things I'm not playing it because of Ubisoft's protection. I'm hoping to get a PS3 or 360 in order to play AC2 but it won't be the same for me as on PC.

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That combat is clunky? It struck me as awesome how fluidly Altair could move from one enemy to the next, in a single motion. The animations were smooth and realistic as well. Only problem I saw was that there's not much to do other than just hit rmb and lmb over and over again.
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It's ninja time! :ninja:


AC1 had clunky gameplay and limited characterization while AC2 improved many of those things I'm not playing it because of Ubisoft's protection. I'm hoping to get a PS3 or 360 in order to play AC2 but it won't be the same for me as on PC.


Can you please elaborate?

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I'll try, I assume that AC1 combat system was more to deal with my computer rather than the game itself (that's why it felt clunky at times) but Altair's characterization was not to my liking (too bland in my personal opinion). Ezio is a better character in the series than Altair, plus he is sexy (yea I know, why?). AC2 has more freedom of movement, more ways of assassinating, more interesting characters and most of all more fun. Gladly I will buy it any day but I don't have a PS3 or 360 and I don't want to fork out a massive bill for the Internet. I wish I could though :sad:
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I'll try, I assume that AC1 combat system was more to deal with my computer rather than the game itself (that's why it felt clunky at times) but Altair's characterization was not to my liking (too bland in my personal opinion). Ezio is a better character in the series than Altair, plus he is sexy (yea I know, why?). AC2 has more freedom of movement, more ways of assassinating, more interesting characters and most of all more fun. Gladly I will buy it any day but I don't have a PS3 or 360 and I don't want to fork out a massive bill for the Internet. I wish I could though :sad:


I know how you feel...


My 360 died about a month ago, and now I can't even play my AC2. God how I miss Ezio and Italy. :sad:

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There were many, many things that I absolutely loved about Assassins Creed 2, but even though the first one did have its flawes, I still have to give it some credit though because that was the first game I have ever played like that and I loved it. Then along came a second and I love it even more. Especially the way it ended. Which I will not spoil. First it makes you think it ends, then it comes back to just end if many of you know what I am talking about. It was a really epic game, but I can not leave out my appreciation for Assassins Creed One.


And if I had to pick between Ezio or Altair, I would have to pick Altair. He is just better in my opinion and more traditional even though Ezio has more advanced weapons and some armor upgrades.



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