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Item Highlight


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Hi, as I was playing a modded version of FO3, which includes a bunch of mods increasing number of spawned enemies per spawn point, I encountered a loot problem. After looting all those enemies I got overburdened almost after every fight (heavy sneaking tactics) so I must drop most of the stuff on the ground, later, get my bike, and salvage all the dropped loot, the thing is I can't always see or remember where I did leave the stuff I was carrying, so my request would be a script or sth. that gives some kind of a shader over a item, in a configurable (or infinite) radius from the player, to highlight it on the ground, something (for Oblivion users of Midas Magic) a detect "Magic" items mod, this function could Be implemented as a perk, or a quest or just a default function to the game world, similar functionality was in Diablo series (Diablo 1 hellfire, Diablo2)

I think that this shouldn't be too much of a problem for a skilled scripter :)



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You could always drop a light (provided by groovatron, lights, or glowsticks mods) and use Book of Mark to mark the place and easily travel back. :)
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You could always drop a light (provided by groovatron, lights, or glowsticks mods) and use Book of Mark to mark the place and easily travel back. :)


I didn't realize that there is such a mod :), but it doesn't solve loot left in buildings/collapsed tunnels and such, some tunnels are so widely connected that You'd have to walk overburdened through several locations to get topside. (or make several trips, not overburdened)


Anyway as I was thinking more and more about this, this could be made as a "Wasteland Scavenger" Perk, so You could SEE more, that You can differ the rubble from the REAL thing lying around in the destroyed world not just the stuff You drop on the ground and then try to find it, the Mark Racall Book just solves the problem of intentionally left stuff.



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Maybe a perk that placing those annoying red exclamation signs (a bit smaller, and upside down, like an arrow) on top of the stuffs that you can take and on the lootable boxes, armor cases and such ?

But yeah, it would be a lot of work I guess. :confused:

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Highlighting all objects of a certain type within a certain radius of the player by applying a shader wouldn't be particularly difficult. The easiest way to do it would be to highlight all items within a radius of the player when they activate the ability, and remove the shader when they deactivate or reactivate the ability, instead of constantly updating the highlighted object while the player moves about with the ability active.


A simple reference walk that checks the type of a reference and its distance from the player, then applies the shader and adds the reference to a form list (so the shader can be removed later) would be all that's required, in terms of scripting. For example, this script will apply a shader to nearby weapons when the "N" key is pressed, and remove it when the "M" key is pressed:

int bIsNPressed
int bIsMPressed

int iAction
; 0 - Do nothing
; 1 - Apply shading
; 2 - Remove shading only
; 3 - Remove then apply shading

int bActive

ref rCurrentRef

Begin GameMode

;;;;;;;;;; Detect Keypresses ;;;;;;;;;;
if bIsNPressed != IsKeyPressed 49 ; N
	set bIsNPressed to IsKeyPressed 49
	if bIsNPressed
		if bActive
			set iAction to 3 ; Remove then apply shading
			set iAction to 1

if bIsMPressed != IsKeyPressed 50 ; M
	set bIsMPressed to IsKeyPressed 50
	if bIsMPressed
		if bActive
			set iAction to 2

;;;;;;;;;; Perform Action ;;;;;;;;;;
if iAction == 0 ; Do nothing

if iAction > 1 ; Remove shading
	if iAction == 3
		set iAction to 1 ; Apply shading next
		set bActive to 0

	Label 10
	if ListGetCount HighlightedWeaponsList
		set rCurrentRef to ListGetNthForm HighlightedWeaponsList 0
		rCurrentRef.StopMagicShaderVisuals WeaponShader
		ListRemoveNthForm HighlightedWeaponsList 0

if iAction == 1 ; Apply shading
	set bActive to 1

	set rCurrentRef to GetFirstRef 40 1 0 ; Ammo

	Label 10
	if rCurrentRef
		if rCurrentRef.GetDistance player < 1024 ; Arbitrary maximum radius
			rCurrentRef.ListAddReference HighlightedWeaponsList
			rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals WeaponShader

		set rCurrentRef to Pencil01 ; Prevent "apple" bug
		set rCurrentRef to GetNextRef
		Goto 10

set iAction to 0




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