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What I Think And What You Think


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Hmmm, about China and US starting WW3 i think the US would win eventually. The <Bleep!>ing Pres (U.S.) would rather be re-elected then win a World War unless that would help his re-election. China may have a lot of ppl but they dont have the navy or the Air Force to support them. If we invaded China as a Counter-attack then we would lose. I dont know much bout the M1A1 Abrams but i think that it was devoloped for desert warfare not high mountain and in case of some of ya dont know China doesn't have many if not any jungles.
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yes, world's largest standing army, but they can't get them anywhere (i.e. no method of moving a million soldiers from China to America to bitchslap them with AK-47's).

Oh indeed; I just mention it to point out that in an invasive war against China that the US seems to be so good at, it's touch and go as to the victor. My guess is worst case scenario, China and US get into a Second Cold War. Then again, I'm next to useless with current affairs military, I tend to specialise about two hundred years in the past :P


Restore power back to our police officers and stop cutting back on funding. In a country with more (God, I can't even type it)...BABY RAPES than any other in the world, our goverment has just scrapped the child protection unit. I kid you not. Our cops are so underpaid it's frightening.

Now that's just scary. That makes our rooster-up over foreign criminals look like the winner of the Mr Sensible award.


Scrap the new gun laws.

Disagree with this though. I dunno about in South Africa and places that have already had legal ownership of guns, but I will fight tooth and nail against legalising guns in the UK. Stampede is right, we have an appallingly high violent crime rate in this country, and adding guns to the mix cannot be a good thing. I agree with Stampede, one of the best ways to oppress a people is to take away their guns (in a debate on this, someone posted a terrific carature of Hitler with the caption "The first thing he did was take away our guns"), but one of the best ways to keep ordinary people safe is to keep guns out of people's hands.

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But anyway, I would like to hear a counter-argument to the points I made in that first post,


LoL...nah, I'm not here to waste my time debating with you. I merely wanted to get kicks out of niggling you and then waiting for the inevitable niave "holier than thou" multi-line Peregrine response (I might trademark that slogan) ;)


I stand by the comment though. God bless America and all that.


It's funny really, I'm not anti-American in the slightest. I love America. Go to Boston every year and skiing in Vermont. Love the people and their general demeanor. Just can't stand obnoxious brats brought up on capatalistic, xenophobic propaganda bullcrap who follow it radically and can't see past the irony of their own words and actions. It's amusing to say the least. We've got them over here too so, rest assured, I have practically no anti-American sentiment ;)

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It's a shame really. If Americans were any other nationality, they might be normal, informed, sensible human beings with a good understanding of politics and economics and the ability to relate this to reality. But sadly, as it is...


And yes, I know America and the Americans pretty well and I like them as long as the subjects of politics and religion (a subdivision of politics) are avoided.

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But anyway, I would like to hear a counter-argument to the points I made in that first post,


LoL...nah, I'm not here to waste my time debating with you. I merely wanted to get kicks out of niggling you and then waiting for the inevitable niave "holier than thou" multi-line Peregrine response (I might trademark that slogan) ;)


So you admit to just trolling and having no intention of seriously debating the subject?



It's funny really, I'm not anti-American in the slightest. I love America. Go to Boston every year and skiing in Vermont. Love the people and their general demeanor. Just can't stand obnoxious brats brought up on capatalistic, xenophobic propaganda bullcrap who follow it radically and can't see past the irony of their own words and actions. It's amusing to say the least. We've got them over here too so, rest assured, I have practically no anti-American sentiment ;)


Which just proves you didn't even bother reading my post before making your usual "omg Peregrine sucks!!!lolol!!!" trolling attempt. If you had, you would notice that half the points on there are a direct attack on those elements of American society you hate so much. And even the ones you might think you disagree with (as a liberal) are aimed at the broken nature of the American programs, not their fundamental concept.


I'm not attacking the idea of welfare/immigration/social security in general (as a xenophobic capitalist would), only the completely broken situation we have now. The way those things are handled under current policy is a complete disaster. In the case of welfare, it's an inefficient money-sink that fails any halfway sane cost-benefit analysis. Social security is a doomed program, increases in life expectancy completely undermine the pyramid scheme and mean there is absolutely no way to salvage the program in the long run. We can only throw more and more money at it as a temporary solution to hold off that inevitable fate a few more years. Immigration is just a joke, especially considering our claimed focus on national security. Immigrants are a good thing, letting any random drug smuggler across the border to claim welfare checks is not.


But I'll just laugh at the idea of being considered too capitalistic. Especially since that immigration point was directed mostly at big businesses. You know, that group that capitalists are supposed to defend to the death? Strange that I'd call for massive fines and prison sentences for a minor crime like turning resources into profit, if I was such a good little capitalist minion.

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But anyway, I would like to hear a counter-argument to the points I made in that first post,


LoL...nah, I'm not here to waste my time debating with you. I merely wanted to get kicks out of niggling you and then waiting for the inevitable niave "holier than thou" multi-line Peregrine response (I might trademark that slogan) ;)


So you admit to just trolling and having no intention of seriously debating the subject?



It's funny really, I'm not anti-American in the slightest. I love America. Go to Boston every year and skiing in Vermont. Love the people and their general demeanor. Just can't stand obnoxious brats brought up on capatalistic, xenophobic propaganda bullcrap who follow it radically and can't see past the irony of their own words and actions. It's amusing to say the least. We've got them over here too so, rest assured, I have practically no anti-American sentiment ;)


Which just proves you didn't even bother reading my post before making your usual "omg Peregrine sucks!!!lolol!!!" trolling attempt. If you had, you would notice that half the points on there are a direct attack on those elements of American society you hate so much. And even the ones you might think you disagree with (as a liberal) are aimed at the broken nature of the American programs, not their fundamental concept.


I'm not attacking the idea of welfare/immigration/social security in general (as a xenophobic capitalist would), only the completely broken situation we have now. The way those things are handled under current policy is a complete disaster. In the case of welfare, it's an inefficient money-sink that fails any halfway sane cost-benefit analysis. Social security is a doomed program, increases in life expectancy completely undermine the pyramid scheme and mean there is absolutely no way to salvage the program in the long run. We can only throw more and more money at it as a temporary solution to hold off that inevitable fate a few more years. Immigration is just a joke, especially considering our claimed focus on national security. Immigrants are a good thing, letting any random drug smuggler across the border to claim welfare checks is not.


But I'll just laugh at the idea of being considered too capitalistic. Especially since that immigration point was directed mostly at big businesses. You know, that group that capitalists are supposed to defend to the death? Strange that I'd call for massive fines and prison sentences for a minor crime like turning resources into profit, if I was such a good little capitalist minion.


Peregrine are you an american?

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So you admit to just trolling and having no intention of seriously debating the subject?


Yes, I openly admit to trolling you, I need some vent for mid-exam tension and you're the perfect tool :rolleyes:

It's a right I give myself, what with it being my forums and all. Thankfully you've been here for years and I've found you to be quite a predictable poster on the whole.


Ironic really, you believe in America being the strongest and being allowed to exert it's power on others, and..oh look..I'm doing the same right now but wait..I'm not American. Funny that ;)


Aaah...exam this afternoon, this should help!

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Ironic really, you believe in America being the strongest


This is not a belief, it's simple fact. Take nukes out of the scenario, and the US could defeat the rest of the world in a war. Of course that's kind of expected when you spend more on your military than the next 15 nations combined. Argue the wisdom of being that concerned with military power all you want, but it is unarguable fact that the US is the only military power in the world now.


and being allowed to exert it's power on others



And once again you prove yourself to be no better than the common troll. This is just more proof that you didn't even bother reading anything beyond the first sentence of my post before making your predictable "omg peregirne sux!!!lolollollool!!!11!!" comment. If you had, you would notice that the only reference to other countries was getting OUT of Iraq. That entire list was about domestic problems, but I guess you wouldn't let mere facts get in the way here.


Peregrine are you an american?


Yes, why?




...You need to come back down to Earth, man.


How so? Would you like to post a specific counter-argument to the points I have made in this thread? Or would you rather just spam pointless comments like that because it's popular?

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