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Custom Soundtrack Suggestions


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Does anybody have any suggestions for a custom soundtrack for this game? I'm not just talking about anything, I mean something that wouldn't feel out of place. Something that would feel natural to the game. I'd also prefer if the track had an end like the rest of the tracks rather than a fade out, but that's just a preference.

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I thought the sound tracks are very well done but If you have the music tracks to lord of the rings I find it fits in very well. nothing you find on nexus since its copyrighted

Edited by Bloodinfested
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I'm going to be honest, for the longest time I had custom music for Morrowind, but after a real long time you miss the Vanilla music...Maybe this doesn't apply to Oblivion but this is how I feel about Morrowind.

Fortunately it's not one or the other in Oblivion. I keep the vanilla music (in most cases) along with the custom. But TBH there's not much I would miss about the stock music if it didn't exist. Not that it's bad, but there's simply not enough of it. Bethesda didn't include enough tracks in ES4 to avoid almost unbearable repetition especially in dungeons, cities and while exploring. For many people it soon becomes more irritation than game enhancer, it's probably why nearly all the longterm/hardcare Oblivion players I know don't use music. I rarely do except occasionally when exploring and for dungeons.

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