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Imperial or Metric system?


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Why then takes something generations in the Anglo-American world that takes only a few years elsewhere?

I tell you: It is the high level in the understanding of personal freedom - inter alia the freedom to do the totally wrong things at the wrong time... :woot:


How much is a dash of salt in metric anyway? and for you guys, what's metric for a jigger of rum?

You tell me, bben46, for I don't have to convert... :laugh:


Because they're perfectly happy using imperial, I can use metric if I want but don't bother normally because I prefer what I'm used to.


No, because they're still think to be special - and only that makes them happy .... a strange kind of self-chosen ones. Too bad.

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Why then takes something generations in the Anglo-American world that takes only a few years elsewhere?

I tell you: It is the high level in the understanding of personal freedom - inter alia the freedom to do the totally wrong things at the wrong time... :woot:


How much is a dash of salt in metric anyway? and for you guys, what's metric for a jigger of rum?

You tell me, bben46, for I don't have to convert... :laugh:


Because they're perfectly happy using imperial, I can use metric if I want but don't bother normally because I prefer what I'm used to.


No, because they're still think to be special - and only that makes them happy .... a strange kind of self-chosen ones. Too bad.


It's nothing to do with that, people will use what they feel more comfortable with. Here's an idea, lets look at the measurements for time. 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day, 365 days in a year. That isn't very user friendly so how about this..replace hours with 1/10th of a day, minutes with 1/1000th of day, seconds with 1/100000th of a day. It would be easier to work with but would you be happy to use it or would you still think in time units we use now?

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Why then takes something generations in the Anglo-American world that takes only a few years elsewhere?

I tell you: It is the high level in the understanding of personal freedom - inter alia the freedom to do the totally wrong things at the wrong time... :woot:


How much is a dash of salt in metric anyway? and for you guys, what's metric for a jigger of rum?

You tell me, bben46, for I don't have to convert... :laugh:


Because they're perfectly happy using imperial, I can use metric if I want but don't bother normally because I prefer what I'm used to.


No, because they're still think to be special - and only that makes them happy .... a strange kind of self-chosen ones. Too bad.


It's nothing to do with that, people will use what they feel more comfortable with.


This is interesting, since the rest of the world seems to think exactly the other way round.

If everyone would think like you, we had round about 190+ different measure and unit systems all over the place.

You can say, we all would be pretty much *banned*.


Therefore they decided to join one system, the metric, because of it's advantages.

Because they think that's comfortable.


You're kind of lucky that you only have to make conversions between metric and imperial...^^

(This is a little wonder for its own btw ... :whistling:)

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@Surenas, Sorry about the dash of salt & Jigger of rum. I was being facetious. Those are not either metric or Imperial, but very ambiguous amounts. Of course as in everything overly officious bureaucrats have attempted to precisely define these as well as other traditional ambiguous measurements with varying degrees of success. Some people just like a little more or a little less salt.


A dash of salt is usually defined as less than a pinch, or "just put a little salt in it " or "salt to taste" And jigger is a 'Shot' of booze - usually the amount a bartender decides is appropriate for a particular mixed drink - it can vary by quite a bit.


Even in metric a jigger can be 15ml, 30ml, 44ml, 22 ml, in England it is defined as 25/50ml and in Australia 15/30ml, while in Scandinavia and most of Europe 20/40ml The xx/yy is because the measuring device is 2 sided, one side traditionally one half of the other. The official numbers are bureaucrats attempting to standardize something that it traditionally done to 'taste'


- so much for metric standardization

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But we don't have a problem with converting things, and we aren't forcing anyone to stop using metric, so why do we need a law to force us to stop using Imperial measures? I suspect this is a case of wanting to try and make those naughty British and Americans do as they are told for the sake of getting one over on them.


*Lobs an extra large egg at Eurotwit MP clamped in the stocks...*



These things happened soon - everywhere but in the Anglo-American enclave. What makes these people different from the remaining 95% of the world population. Tell me what's biting you :wacko:



Why then takes something generations in the Anglo-American world that takes only a few years elsewhere?

I tell you: It is the high level in the understanding of personal freedom - inter alia the freedom to do the totally wrong things at the wrong time... :woot:


How much is a dash of salt in metric anyway? and for you guys, what's metric for a jigger of rum?

You tell me, bben46, for I don't have to convert... :laugh:


I rest my case as stated in the first quote - it is quite clear that there is a desire to try make the naughty perfidious Anglo Americans conform and declare them to be wrong out of sheer bossiness. What is suddenly wrong with being different? We have laws against discrimination.


*Sings strange mixture of God Save The Queen and The Star Spangled Banner, whilst drnking a pint of beer and preparing a pound of soggy tomatoes for launching at the hapless figure in the stocks...*

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Why then takes something generations in the Anglo-American world that takes only a few years elsewhere?

I tell you: It is the high level in the understanding of personal freedom - inter alia the freedom to do the totally wrong things at the wrong time... :woot:


How much is a dash of salt in metric anyway? and for you guys, what's metric for a jigger of rum?

You tell me, bben46, for I don't have to convert... :laugh:


Because they're perfectly happy using imperial, I can use metric if I want but don't bother normally because I prefer what I'm used to.


No, because they're still think to be special - and only that makes them happy .... a strange kind of self-chosen ones. Too bad.


It's nothing to do with that, people will use what they feel more comfortable with.


This is interesting, since the rest of the world seems to think exactly the other way round.

If everyone would think like you, we had round about 190+ different measure and unit systems all over the place.

You can say, we all would be pretty much *banned*.


Therefore they decided to join one system, the metric, because of it's advantages.

Because they think that's comfortable.


You're kind of lucky that you only have to make conversions between metric and imperial...^^

(This is a little wonder for its own btw ... :whistling:)


If others prefer metric then fine, I'm not suggesting they stop using it. We don't all have to be the same, something I wish the EU bureaucrats would understand.

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If others prefer metric then fine, I'm not suggesting they stop using it. We don't all have to be the same, something I wish the EU bureaucrats would understand.


Exactly that's your problem - you can't identify you real sitz-im-leben any more. It isn't up to the last imperials to suggest all others might stop with the metric. Don't even think of it! And you have, Jim. We have already all the same: You HAVE to convert - we just have to wait for your funny conversion, you see? Actually such a stubborn behavior, km beyond all logic, reminds of the famous "na - I don't want to eat my soup!"... :woot:

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You HAVE to convert



I rest my case.



Though perfectly acceptable results can be and are obtained every day the world over "We HAVE to convert"


This is the sort of narrow one track thought process used by the Euro MP's in their quest to standardise everything.


I'm going to withdraw from this debate now as it seems impossible for the Metricists to see or consider any point of view other than their own and I'm starting to get angry and these forums arent the place for that.



Nice talking with you folks.

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You HAVE to convert


Once more as the magnificent General McAuliffe said when faced with a German demand to surrender "Nuts!". Pound upon pound of them! *Leaps on her charger...* (who has been suffering from post traumatic stress disorder since discovering that she's however many centimetres tall rather than seventeen hands and two inches...) *Cries God for Harry, England (and the rest of the UK, and btw God Bless America) and Saint George...*

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If others prefer metric then fine, I'm not suggesting they stop using it. We don't all have to be the same, something I wish the EU bureaucrats would understand.


Exactly that's your problem - you can't identify you real sitz-im-leben any more. It isn't up to the last imperials to suggest all others might stop with the metric. Don't even think of it! And you have, Jim. We have already all the same: You HAVE to convert - we just have to wait for your funny conversion, you see? Actually such a stubborn behavior, km beyond all logic, reminds of the famous "na - I don't want to eat my soup!"... :woot:


Maybe you could point out where I suggested people should stop using metric, all I've said is let people use what they're most comfortable with. I don't have to switch to metric, the EU having been trying this on for years and have failed miserably. Whats wrong with a little variety? we're not the Borg.




You HAVE to convert


Once more as the magnificent General McAuliffe said when faced with a German demand to surrender "Nuts!". Pound upon pound of them! *Leaps on her charger...* (who has been suffering from post traumatic stress disorder since discovering that she's however many centimetres tall rather than seventeen hands and two inches...) *Cries God for Harry, England (and the rest of the UK, and btw God Bless America) and Saint George...*






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