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Should I get Fallout 3 even if I hate zombies and guns


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I've played Daggerfall, Morrowind, and Oblivion and love them, but when I heard that Bethesda's new RPG was going to be zombies and guns I was disappointed. It is kind of similar to how I felt about Mass Effect at first, but I eventually gave that one a shot and I really love it. But Fallout 3 looks even worse because I really hate zombies (or I guess they're technically mutants or whatever but same deal basically). I even get disappointed when I go into a cave in Oblivion and find out its full of undead because I hate zombies so much. I've watched a few videos of Fallout 3 and they never look that appealing, but then again neither did the videos I had watched of Mass Effect and I really love that one now. Also, how scary would you say the game is? I even get creeped out in Ayleid ruins full of undead even without any extra darkness mods and I couldn't play BioShock because it was way too scary.


Basically, are there any other people like me who really hate zombies and guns but still gave Fallout 3 a chance? And if so did you hate it like you thought or did the RPG elements make up for it? I guess its hard to make a decision for someone other than yourself, but if anyone has had similar misgivings about Fallout 3 I'd appreciate your opinion on the game after giving it a shot.


I was very very tempted to buy Fallout 3 when it went on sale on Steam, I'm sort of regretting it now and I want to be sure whether or not I'll buy it next time it goes on sale :P



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Buddy, if you hate "zombies" and guns, you should not get Fallout. There really are'nt zombies, just mutated creatures.


The ESRB rating is M, for Blood and gore, intense violance, sexual themes, strong language, and use of drugs. If this is the kind of game you want, then you should get it becuase it is by far the best RPG ever made.


In my opinion, you should get it. But if blood, gore, and the rest of it all is not really your thing, then this game is not for you.


- Falloutperson416

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Lindy, I can't tell you what to do with your money... if nothing else it would give you reason to declare me a persona non grata for ensuring you the game would be so immersive, and so moddable, and so fun, that you'd actually turn your revulsion into anger and actually enjoy blowing the hated corpse-bags away in great gouts of blood and guts. But, as I said, I can't. I'm a die-hard RPer so I can understand your desire to try it; I mean, let's face it, the new and interesting RPGs are a small number and that's even allowing for the ones that claim they're RPG but are just RTS. *grumble* There is no way to avoid the mutants, so if you ARE that repulsed, please don't waste your money. And please, don't turn to a boring grind-fest game like Aion or step backwards to WoW. Now, one thing you MAY like is the possibility of using NO weapons, or two handed; bypassing the gun thing totally. Course, there will still be lots of lead flying at you, and shrapnel, and the occasional spew and giblets of dubious origin... but hey, this isn't a NICE game. Its an ugly world, with ugly bodily fluids and people who are out only for themselves... hell its even got misguided religious nutballs! I dunno if there's a demo, but you may want to check around? good luck
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Hello Lindy. Just like you, I migrated from Morrowind and Oblivion and then to Fallout and I absolutely love Fallout and cannot wait for Vegas. But when I first saw Fallout it did not interest me that much because it had a lot of weird weapons and other sorts of things and on top of that, it had a lot of fifties elements to it. But I tried and now I love it. Wandering through a post-apocoliptic wasteland full of dead and decay is amazing. But that is my opinion and yes there is a lot of blood and gore so if you do not like those kinds of things then be prepared when you buy this. And by the way, I loved the Alied ruins in Oblivion. I even lived in one lol.



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Thanks for the information, I think I might try it out just for the fact that it is similar to Oblivion and has a great modding community as well. I took a chance on Mass Effect and was glad that I did, maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised again :P
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Yes I hope you do as well. Fallout is an amazing game and i hope you have many interesting experiences with it so good luck, and you might even have some funny moments or good memories with, and when you do, then you can come here to the forums and share them with us haha have fun and I hope you enjoy it Lindy



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