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Model Invisible in Geck and Ingame


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Hey guys, it's the first time I've tried adding any type of model to fo3 and I've run into issues. I successfully exported the .nif from blender and the model even shows up in nifskope but in the geck and ingame, the model is invisible. I'd be more than happy to provide pictures if needed. Any help is appreciated, thanks.
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Hey guys, it's the first time I've tried adding any type of model to fo3 and I've run into issues. I successfully exported the .nif from blender and the model even shows up in nifskope but in the geck and ingame, the model is invisible. I'd be more than happy to provide pictures if needed. Any help is appreciated, thanks.


Did you convert the model to a BSFadeNode? If you didn't this may be part of your problem. post a pic of your nifscope screen and I'll take a look.

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title says very little actually ;D


there are many reasons why it wouldn't render in game. depending on what kind of mesh it is...


Forget nifskope rendering, it has nothing to do with the game... everything renders in nifskope not just F3 ready nifs.


anyway if you want speculation, I speculate you have something up with its shader flags

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Make sure you have a texture applied, and a normal map. Use the MAPTO section in the material/texture panels, base texture -> col & normal -> nor. The BSFadeNode selector in the exporter will make it selectable in the Geck, which should have thrown an error in the geck about the root node if that is the problem. Seeing as its displaying in the nifskope it should render.
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