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How To Install Plugins/mods


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Ok, here is another thing. In my data files are folders as fallow: 'Fonts', 'Menus', 'Textures', 'Music', 'Shaders' and 'Videos'; but there is not any 'Sounds' nor 'Meshes' folders. so.. my question is: is this okay...? I mean: do i have to rename 'Sounds' for 'Music' and Meshes put in 'Textures', or just leave it like it was?


Hell no!!!

Don't rename those folders!!!


A little explanation:

The "Sound" folder contains sounds for wind, birds, water, ...and so on...

The "Music" folder is only for... ? ...right! :wink:

The same counts for "Meshes" and "Textures" folder.

(Please look at the added links to read what meshes and textures are)

Don't rename them or put one into the other! ...never!!!


When you have installed Oblivion for the first time, there are imho 3 subfolders in your "Oblivion/Data" folder. These are Music, Shader and Video. Any other standard game file (voices, meshes, sounds and so on...) are packed in bsa-files. (bsa=BethesdaSoftworks Archive)

You should let them as they are. Oblivion uses all needed files directly from there. Individual subfolders for meshes or sounds will be added later to your "Oblivion/Data" folder when you have installed some mods.


Since it is beyond my time frame to explain everything to OBMM installation, here's a useful guide for you: OBMM Installation Guide


Be patient when you install something. There are many helping guides and instructions for Oblivion in the internet. Some things you have to read, learn and understand first.


...and last but not least... - ...have fun... :)

Edited by Tobjoern
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I just checked the download link in the OT myself, and it does indeed bring up a 404 error. However, I found another download link via the Construction Set Wiki that seems to work. You can find the link on this page (click on 'Installer (7.0MB)'):



Edited by SilverCobra126
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  • 2 weeks later...

Though it amazes me that this is still a very popular question, I know a lot of people are having their first elder scrolls experience with Oblivion. However, using the search engine is quick and painless! To avoid the amount of repetitive threads we are experiencing on this subject, I have created this thread. Please post all your queries here (if any) on this matter.


All future threads on this subject will be locked.





Step One: Download the official construction set






Right, now assuiming you have downloaded your desired plugin, we can proceed to step four.


Step Four: Is this plugin in a .zip or .rar archive? if yes, carry on reading. If not proceed straight to step 5. Right, double click the .zip or .rar file and examine the contents. Is there a readme file? THEN READ IT! These usually contain handy information and installation instructions. As well as contact details of the author. Most archived plugins are self extracting and generall extract to your Oblivion/Data/ folder.


Step 5: The .esp file goes into the (default) C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data folder. Was that the only file? If so proceed to step 7. If not, carry on reading.


Step 6: Meshes, textures and sounds go into their relevant /meshes and /textures folders. Is this a graphic replacer? Then be careful what you replace, it might be wise to back up your data folder before hand if you are planning on replacing graphics and sounds. Again be sure to read the readme file for instructions. In the event you haven't installed any mods before, you most likely won't have a meshes or textures folder. In that case, either drag the folders from the zip/rar file, or create them yourself before adding the mesh/texture files.


Step 7: Right, once everything is extracted, open up the oblivion launcher, click data files and 'check' the plugin in the checkbox corresponding to it.


It's really very simple and will soon become second nature.


Just don't forget steps 2 and 3. You have been warned and I will take great pleasure in pointing and laughing at those who fail to heed my instructions.


Credit goes to Switch who contributed to this thread and reminded me that Bethesda have made things a bit assbackwards with plugins compared to Morrowind.

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First time mod installer. In anything. I've downloaded my mod, dropped it in the data folder, (it shows up as coding in a Notepad) gone to my launcher, clicked Data files, and my mod isn't there to be checked. The mod I'm trying to install is Deadly Reflex. I've also tried in stalling it through OBMM. I click create, and click add archive, browse to the mod, and clicked on it, and it says "unable to extract anything from archive" Kinda starting to piss me off because I pretty much used my whole Sunday trying to figure this out. I've looked up every "How to install oblivion mods on youtube" and none of them address my problem. So, I turned to Tes Nexus forums.


Please help, Thanks!

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  • 3 weeks later...
On Vista and Windows 7 machines your saves will be found in the folder Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves and on Windows XP machines they will be in Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves.
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I downloaded the game through team. It is in C - Program fileX86 - Steam - Steam Apps - Common - Oblivion. Will this cause a problem?


For my problem i am trying to use the LightGUTS body replacer. its only four .nif items. With no instructions. I try and place them to replace the four where i seen them in meshes, but my characture still looks default. Someone even said to unzip it into data. And it should ask for an over ride. I tried to do that but no over ride request poped up and the game remains unchanged.

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I downloaded the game through team. It is in C - Program fileX86 - Steam - Steam Apps - Common - Oblivion. Will this cause a problem?


For my problem i am trying to use the LightGUTS body replacer. its only four .nif items. With no instructions. I try and place them to replace the four where i seen them in meshes, but my characture still looks default. Someone even said to unzip it into data. And it should ask for an over ride. I tried to do that but no over ride request poped up and the game remains unchanged.



However, you need to do:

1. Install the game somewhere else. Since you're on Steam, it includes Steam client or something.

2. Archive Invalidation. BSA redirection is recommended for it is quite reliable(for Steam, all stock Oblivion .bsa files should be dated again, though) and you don't need to do invalidation again unless you deleted Oblivion.ini(even if you did, it's easy to do BSA redirection manually).

3. Have you take off clothes from actor to see what's changed?

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