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Low FPS fix for Windows 8.1 and (Steam)Oblivion

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After spending many days and wandering all over the intertubes I have finally found the true fix (at least for me).


All you need to do is install the PROPER directx runtimes. Since this is Windows 8.1 this isn't as easy, obvious, or intuitive as you might think. See, Windows 8.1 deprecated support for DX9 and it really doesn't have the emulation right. You need to install the true DX9 redistributable (the web installer doesn't work). Get the correct installer here:




BOOM! Fast and fluid Oblivion on Windows 8.1

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I've never had a problem from DirectX, but then again I'm a way behind the times dinosaur still using WinXP. I know little about MS's latest OS beyond the woes I see posted here.

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I already have a copy of Win 7 ready for my next machine. I refer to Win 8 as a phone/tablet OS (not entirely accurate I know, but as you may guess when I can no longer buy Win 7 I'll finally be forced into the Linux camp).


I have three unused still in their original packaging copies of WinXP. Who knows if MS turned off the activation servers along with updates for XP. I've also got SP3 and some of the post SP3 updates archived, but I think any machines I put together using XP will need to be non-internet connected.

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I already have a copy of Win 7 ready for my next machine. I refer to Win 8 as a phone/tablet OS (not entirely accurate I know, but as you may guess when I can no longer buy Win 7 I'll finally be forced into the Linux camp).


I have three unused still in their original packaging copies of WinXP. Who knows if MS turned off the activation servers along with updates for XP. I've also got SP3 and some of the post SP3 updates archived, but I think any machines I put together using XP will need to be non-internet connected.

What a coincidence, i'm going to be installing Windows 7 too. Finally had it up to here with the watered down compatibility system that won't work with the games I play, and the fact that even though I have my games seemingly in 'fullscreen' it plays them in 'windowed mode.' Not entirely sure how to describe it, but the best comparison I can make is that my games are playing at 'fake fullscreen' mode w/vsync on.

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