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Ahtata Khajiit Replacer Gone?


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I recently decided to reinstall after a few moths of not playing. Now the mod is gone. The other Ahtata replacers are still there, but not the khajiit one.


Also, why are most of the Type-2 mods gone? It says because of adult themes or soemthing, but theres millions of other "adult" mods on the site.


Why are modders taking down their mods after they have been here so long? Is something happening to make them do it?


Also, yes, I have search on google.

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Some modders took down their mods following a mass banning of those with explicit images in the image share after the rules changed. Even though all were later reinstated, they chose to take down their mods.
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The above applies for A-Type2/SpeedBuster mods.

Word around the block, however, is that the Ahtata Khajiit Replacer was taken down because of permission issues (IE Ahtata did not seek permission to use some of the meshes and textures used in the mod, and those that had their work used without permission weren't happy about it).This would account for the fact that all the other Ahtata race replacers are still available (why remove just the one?).

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  • 3 years later...

Considering that you're necroing a three year old thread I'd say the chances are less than slim (perhaps approaching zero considering the most recent update on an Ahtata mod is Feb. 20011).

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