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Good places to take screenshots


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uh.... everywhere? it's kinda hard to say that I have a favorite spot.

If you go to the same spots, there wouldn't be much variety.

My best screenshots are always when i'm just wandering about and i see something cool, funny, or just good scenery.

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Hmmm...I've never had a "favorite" place, but I do frequently stop my adventure if I notice a screenshot worthy moment. I do prefer areas with an open, "grand scenic" view, such as higher up on mountains, near the ocean, or in open plains.
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Hmmm...I've never had a "favorite" place, but I do frequently stop my adventure if I notice a screenshot worthy moment. I do prefer areas with an open, "grand scenic" view, such as higher up on mountains, near the ocean, or in open plains.


Thank you AltreU, that echoes my sentiments exactly. If a photo op arises or is stumbled upon, I take it. Although I do have a few mods with absolutely gorgeous world spaces, namely Auriel's Retreat, Nascosto Isles and Halcyon Island.


I tend to take more companion screenshots clothed in different armor/clothing mods than anything. There are many places in Tamriel to take good screenies, though. You just have to keep your eyes open to the possibilities :smile:


I take nature photography in real life, so it's hard to pass a beautiful sunset or autumn colored tree swaying in the wind without stopping to do a FRAPS snap. :happy:

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Well, the Orange Road is really beautiful, so almost anywhere along there. The Anvil coastline is gorgeous, and perfect for sunset, beach, and ocean shots. The area around Chorrol is very pretty, too, if you want a dense forest picture. There are beautiful places everywhere, though, so I'd say just wander around aimlessly. That's what I used to do.
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I like the mountains/high up places, a place with a good view of the area. But any place can look great (which for me is usually near sunrise and sunset).


Eg: Colovian Highlands:




Eg. Even the simplest locations can look great. Check this credits video I made to see the area around Verona House:


EDIT: Ugh, the forums automatically convert a youtube url into an embedded player... the time tag doesn't work either now. So, you'll have to skip to 5min20s to see what I'm talking about (and the grand finale at 7:00).


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A good location is a location where you like to spend time or just stop for a while and admire the views. As a screenshot lover, I'd say most people like places close to Anvil beach, or near the forest and mountain areas in general. Some like the interiours of their homes. If you're interested in vanilla places, well, considering most people here use mods, it's very rare this days when you'll see just a simple vanilla shot. Most have at least a couple of mods that are shown in the screenshot. The best way to find such places for yourself, it's to travel and discover places. I like areas with a river or a forest nearby with a medium cozy house, in Korana's style if you know who she is.





Edited by Pushkatu
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