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So how does everyone feel about Star Wars: The Old Republic!!


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I cannot wait for it! I mean a Star Wars MMO! It will be awesome and I have a few friends that have been beta testing it over this summer and they say that they can not wait for the actual game to come. And I am excited myself. It will be the first MMO that I will play. And probable the only one that I ever will play. And by the way, does anyone know how much it will cost to play?? Thanks for your input.



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My thoughts and feelings? forboding.


If you've never played an mmo before then you should really think very carefuly about where you decide to go first. The game may be good, but I assure you the community wont be. Ive been playing mmo games for a decade now, thats about how long they've been mainstream where Im from. And in every mmo you have about 20% who are extremely average people in everyway, 79% who are either extremely young, extremely immature, or simply playing so they can annoy and upset others. and 1% who actualy are smart, give a damn about the gane, and are actualy worth the air they breath.


Now, world of warcraft has a LOT of players, one percent of over a million is still enough people for a good sized group. And I have no doubts TOR will be snapped up by many. But after the novelty of being online wears off, maybe in a week, maybe in a decade, you'll slowly lose thew ability to see that 1%. Because like anywhere, good people exist, but the fools outnumber them and are always more vocal. And mark my words, there will be fools. Star Wars' name alone ensures children, so you'll obviously have extremely strict rules, and where children appear usualy extremely immature idiots called trollers are usualy hot on their heels.


I stopped bothering with mmo games after EVE, which is the only one worth playing, if just because its so complicated that no child or troll can understand even how to log in. And even if I hadnt I wouldnt get SW:TOR, bioware is a very very cynical corporation, they're masters of manipulating fanboys, and while I dont doubt that like mass effect and dragon age, this will have good parts, what I've seen of the beta just leaves me even more jaded than usual.

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I can see exactly where you are coming from man. I have had many, many run ins with immature eleven and twelve year olds on xbox live and trust me, they are just as bad as you are describing them now. Except that you can hear them speak. I have never really been a big fan of MMO's like WoW and all the others. I have many friends that are big WoW fans and from what they say, it is an awesome game, but it just does not appeal to me at all. I am more along the lines of a single player experience gammer, that is why I have played Oblivion for four years now. But I love Star Wars and I thought it would really be cool to try out my first MMO with that game and seeing that it has good reviews and high expectations made me want it even more. And it actually has a story line, is voice acted, and is a MMO and people were saying that most of that was unheard of until now with TOR. But that is just what I have heard and it has gotten me excited I will admit. I do have mixed feelings for it, but I guess I will find out when it is released.


Thank you for the input because most of that I have not even considered and it is good that I can have more ideas to help with the whole decision making deal. But even though your not going to get it, would you happen to know how much it will cost to play it? Like will players have to pay by month like most other serious MMO's require?

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Yes now I do agree with that. I absolutely love KOTR back when I was playing them on my old xbox and I have recently been looking for some copies for my PC, or a place to download them, but have failed. Yes I would love to see another KOTR those were epic times back when I played them.
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If it stays true to the Starwars universe, while providing fun and engaging gameplay, then it'll be a winner. I'll wait for a while and see how it goes before thinknig of buying it.


And isn't there already a Starwars MMO out? It's called Starwars Galaxies or something? So, this isn't that new.

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I don't like MMOs so I would've preferred KOTOR III.


My thoughts exactly. MMOs tend to cause alot of "addicts" and I don't really like the people in them. Many grown ups turn into kids in those games and it tends to get old really quickly.

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Yes that is very true brokenergy, but I have never had a want to play MMO's, I have stuck with the single player experience, but I do love xbox live, and there is just something about this game that sort of draws me to it and I do not know why. I guess it is because it is star wars and has some of the aspects that I like about an MMO. But the bad does out weigh the good. I will just sit back and see what people think about this game when they play it and will make my choice form there I suppose.


Thanks for the input guys. It really opened my eyes up to many ideas that I hadn't considered yet.


Thanks again.



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