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Unexplained UFO over China


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What is the official Chinese statement on this ?


I'm sure it isn't - "Tonight we had a UFO fly over one of our cities".

It's a hoax, Vagrant is correct, the music is a dead giveaway ... it's telling you to believe it's a UFO.

And as per usual, when they say it is, it really is not ...


I can however tell you that if you came to ZA I would take you to a witchdoctor in the mountains of Kwa-Zulu Natal and he'd give you something to drink and you would

be able to see as clearly in the dark as you would in the day ...


I would not be able to take you to a shaman in the Limpopo Province - as it's too dangerous to meet with him - but he's very well known and has a reputation (amongst

both the local population, farmers and eastern half of the country) as being capable of bringing violent storms to wreck & ruin those who

disturb him.


Hah, this must seem so foreign, delusional and unrealistic to the modern scientific man ... just a couple of things you cannot Photoshop lol.

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We here in the Netherlands would go to the next local Coffee-Shop to get hallucinations. The freak behind the counter - he's likewise a shaman ^^

UFO down! Or take-off ! That depends on the dose...

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It isn't right to call it all delusional, people saw something... it's just that what they saw and what is in the video are two things which are entirely different. People see things in the way which explains as much as it can. We're more inclined to believe in visitors from outer space than a government testing aircraft (and occasionally failing) since the government testing implies that the government is actually doing ANYTHING productive. People are more willing to believe in abductions rather than entertain the notion that their mind actually came up with what they saw, and any evidence of what they saw probably had a real analogue in the form of a lover or 'buddy' taking advantage of a situation. Sleep paralysis is a common occurrence, and the totally disjointed sense of a half-awake mind can really screw with you if its common enough and you let it.


The fact that even the most poorly conceived pile of alien related rubbish sells like hot-cakes at any alien convention only makes things self-sustaining.

Edited by Vagrant0
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The contrail doesn't look unlike this from the shuttle, the Chinese are looking to exploit space so maybe it's a test of some sort.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I think i may know what it was... :mellow:




China devolped a new missile Called a "Carrier Killer". could this be what flew over the city?

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It doesn't look strange for me. The Aircraft or Rocket or whatever is just flying away from the guy who took the video. But anyway, even if it would stand in the air, I wouldn't care since jets nowadays are able to do so. I just wonder why they made such back lightening ;D
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Right, so, last nexus post in what will likely be a while, better make it logical and with a double dose of heartless grumpy Vindekarr charm.


One proposed technology for high speed aircraft in the near future is plasma shiedling. Aerodynamic drag is the main factor limiting air vehicle speed and performance, so proposed plasma shields would burn away the air just infront of the vehicle or missile, vastly reducing air resistance. This has several key drawback: you need an electromagnetic field generator to control plasma. And you also need to be able to heat gases until the ionize, ie, the ability to actualy deliberately make plasma in the first place. The third and most major drawback as both of the former technologies likely exist by now, is that a lot of high performance engine require often a massive incoming torrent of air to keep them running.


SCRAM engines are standard jet engines with their turbines removed which can reach up to 17,000+ MPH. Now, that is all well and good but they need a vast quantity of air to maintain the flames at the engine's heart that keep the thing in the air. Another possibility is that it could be used on some sort of mono or bipropellant rocket instead. These dont USUALY breath air, so you wont starve the engine of the A from the firetriangle just be adding the plasma fields. The third thing that occurs to me is that maybe china has infact come up with some radical.


Real world railgun shots ignite a plasma trail after being fired, leaving a slowly spreading firetrail behind them that looks rather a bit like that. Get a big enough long enough railgun and you COULD actualy safely launch an aircraft with it. And no such concerns of high G takeoffs are involve in launching spacecraft. So if you're looking for truly out-there theories, it could be an orbital launch railgun for sending up sattelites. It could also be some sort or really cutting edge engine system. Pulsed blast engines are out, but methane fueled jets and other more unusual fuel sources could burn in a succiently colourful way to spew out the big comet trail,

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It's definately not alien related.

If you look at the exhausts, the object might be able to fly maybe 1 or 6 hours. So Aliens would probably built a more economic engine, because of the distance :teehee:

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