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Im currently reading The UltraMarines Ombnibus by Graham McNeill and Black library.


If you're into Science Fiction, this is well worth a read, it's a bit less magic if you're already a WarHammer buff, but even if you are it's still a lovely bit of writing.


It's perhaps not the most realistic future imaginable-WarHammer rarely tries to be, but it's still a wholely enjoyable sweeping epic, like I said, I'd recomend this more to a NON WarHammer sort of reader, but pretty much anyone would enjoy it.


You'll have to source a copy online since I dont think you can get it in stores outside the UK, but provided you can grab a cheap copy, Im pretty certain any scifi fan would enjoy it.


You may want to do a small bit(like, an hour's worth) of internet recearch about WarHammer first, to get the overall layout of things, but it's generaly quite unusualy easy to get into, which is rare for a WarHammer book since they often they are often directed more at fans.


The story is pretty good, but the character development is excellent, and the mix of classical Greco-Roman heroic themes mixed with a Gothic far-far-future setting, and the almost Orwellian political machinations of Pavonis, make it a very enjoyable read. Uriel is a protagonist I think Im going to really remember. That and, the cover art is fabulous.

Edited by Vindekarr
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I've just started reading 'Storm of Iron' by Graham Mcneill, another warhammer 40k book. I've only started reading black library books in the last few months and I love them. Envision a techno barbarian future full of gothic structures and social institutions which is involved in a protracted medieval (or more apt WW 2 Eastern Front) war in which there are few if any hopes of victory and overall peace and none of personal liberty.

The closest comparisons I can make fiction wise are the 'Sven Hassel' books, without the sex, or the excellent Stalingrad set 'War of the rats'. Remarkably for what I always assumed were quickly tossed off pulp before starting them I care for the characters of these books. Although I've played Dawn of War previously, these are the books which are drawing me into the 40k universe and making me want to get my hands on codexes etc, I'm even going to start painting up figures.


The Emperor protects!

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I'm currently reading book 2 of the German version of Marvel Comic's adaptation of The Stand by Stephen King. I enjoyed The Stand itself immensely, enough to call it one of my favourite books, and so reading the comic is something I've been curious about for a while.


Reading probably isn't yet the correct term as I'm more trying to translate it with a dictionary beside me - I'm using it as one of my fun ways to learn German while on exchange. I'm hoping that by the end of my exchange I'll have bought and read all 5 books of the adaptation. So far (from what I can make out) it seems to be doing really well in keeping to the book, any changes seem to be for the better of the comic and the art is of course fantastic.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm currently reading book 2 of the German version of Marvel Comic's adaptation of The Stand by Stephen King. I enjoyed The Stand itself immensely, enough to call it one of my favourite books, and so reading the comic is something I've been curious about for a while.


I loved that movie. I didnt know that made a Comic of it. Any of the X-Men man an appearance in it? lol


Right now I'm reading Writing for Comics wit Peter David. Studying up for writing my own Web Comic series. Figured id get a few guidelines from one of worlds most renown comic book writers

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I have a terrible habit with books, I start reading books when I'm in the middle of books and often have so many books on the go that one gets lost along the way, I also buy too many books so I have books on my shelf that I've spent years trying to get around to but a more enticing book arrives which tears me away. At the moment the books I am actively reading are:


Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, by Oliver Bowden - pretty much the game in book form, gives extra details and corrections so very cool and I'm thoroughly enjoying it even though I know the end.

Black Prism, by Brent Weeks - Dammit, I'm gonna have to start this one for the third time, it's such an amazing book and I loved his Assassin Trilogy but I just keep getting distracted from it for just a bit too long! Grr. Great Author, great book.

Star Wars: year by year, a visual chronicle - I got given this for Christmas and still haven't had time to properly sit down and dive into it's delectable Star Warsy innards and the suspense is killing me because I've taken a peek and it has such wonders in it!

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I have a terrible habit with books, I start reading books when I'm in the middle of books and often have so many books on the go that one gets lost along the way, I also buy too many books so I have books on my shelf that I've spent years trying to get around to but a more enticing book arrives which tears me away. At the moment the books I am actively reading are:


Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, by Oliver Bowden - pretty much the game in book form, gives extra details and corrections so very cool and I'm thoroughly enjoying it even though I know the end.

Black Prism, by Brent Weeks - Dammit, I'm gonna have to start this one for the third time, it's such an amazing book and I loved his Assassin Trilogy but I just keep getting distracted from it for just a bit too long! Grr. Great Author, great book.

Star Wars: year by year, a visual chronicle - I got given this for Christmas and still haven't had time to properly sit down and dive into it's delectable Star Warsy innards and the suspense is killing me because I've taken a peek and it has such wonders in it!

the Black prism is a good one I like the night angel a bit better, but that could be because I biased to someones name :rolleyes: .



Right now I'm reading The Drowning City by Amanda Downum

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I have a terrible habit with books, I start reading books when I'm in the middle of books and often have so many books on the go that one gets lost along the way, I also buy too many books so I have books on my shelf that I've spent years trying to get around to but a more enticing book arrives which tears me away. At the moment the books I am actively reading are:


Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, by Oliver Bowden - pretty much the game in book form, gives extra details and corrections so very cool and I'm thoroughly enjoying it even though I know the end.

Black Prism, by Brent Weeks - Dammit, I'm gonna have to start this one for the third time, it's such an amazing book and I loved his Assassin Trilogy but I just keep getting distracted from it for just a bit too long! Grr. Great Author, great book.

Star Wars: year by year, a visual chronicle - I got given this for Christmas and still haven't had time to properly sit down and dive into it's delectable Star Warsy innards and the suspense is killing me because I've taken a peek and it has such wonders in it!

the Black prism is a good one I like the night angel a bit better, but that could be because I biased to someones name :rolleyes: .



Right now I'm reading The Drowning City by Amanda Downum


It's frustrating as hell, because I keep getting into the good bit and then suddenly oh look here comes another book that will distract me just long enough that I need to re-read it. However I have to say that the Night Angel series is just gorgeous, I've never read such wonderful writing. Honestly, even going through my library of books in my house I cannot find something that is a competitor, however in other genre or styles there are others who excel. My favorite authors all come from the same fiction fantasy genre though; Michael Scott, Terry Pratchett, Angie Sage. However none of these have the darkness and depth I found in the works of Brent Weeks. I sincerely recommend him to anyone who has the stomach for some of the more brutal parts. (young girls faces being slashed when they are taken advantage of being the worst that comes to mind).

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Doll Girl D:

I remember now D:


On a side note, I do like the works of Matthew Reilly. He does well in properly engaging the reader and creating a link between the reader and some characters.

There are some particularly gruesome parts, but if you can stomach them, then his books are a very good read. I recommend. :thumbsup:

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Doll Girl D:

I remember now D:


On a side note, I do like the works of Matthew Reilly. He does well in properly engaging the reader and creating a link between the reader and some characters.

There are some particularly gruesome parts, but if you can stomach them, then his books are a very good read. I recommend. :thumbsup:

anyone in specific?



at least rat dies.


But the night angel trilogy has some good parts,I just love the black ka'kari and kylar's talks

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