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The Currently Reading Thread .........


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With my sons, The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. I've read the Rings trilogy at least once each year for the last 34 years, and am in the middle of Fellowship again. I'm also reading The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd in order to help my youngest son brainstorm for his English Lit/Comp assignments.
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I have many books on hold at the moment. I mainly reading Eragon by Christopher Paolini, but i haven't finished five other books. They are David and Leigh Eddings's: The Crystal Gorge, Ilkka Remes's: Hermes and other book Operation Solaris, Jean M. Untinen-Auel's: The Shelters of Stone and Dan Brown's: The Lost Symbol. I have also three books waiting for starting. Those are Eragon's series two other books Eldest and Brisingr and Steve Alten's: Domain. I so often open computer instead of reading and that's why lot of books end up unfinished.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Completed first 2 books of The Kingkiller Chronicles, pretty good. 3rd book is unavailable yet.

  • Name of the Wind
  • The Wise Man's Fear
  • The Doors of Stone

Interesting magic system that incorporates pseudo science as well as true names.

Edited by sendo75
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  • 3 weeks later...

My mother is a librarian, so I read a lot :wallbash: Grew up reading Piers Anthony. The whole Xanth Series and then I read his other works. But I'm currently reading "The Hunger games" and George RR. Martin's "A Dance With Dragons" Not so into Martin's work. It's good but I feel like it's like.....

100+ pages of frivolousness description, bouncing to & fro between characters, then wham! They die.

But that's just me. Obviously it is a great seller and he is a good writer, but it just drives me a little nuts. Interested to see how they make a video game out of this. Love Salvatore, and Patrick Rothfuss is probably my new favorite author (waiting for his next book to come out of edit.) Miss Robert Jordan like crazy. Loved the Wheel of Time series, so hopefully Brandon Sanderson did a good job with the last one, so I hope he continues with it. Got to make it to the "Last Battle" or "Taimon Gaidon".


Post Edit: Did I just kill this thread?

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  • 4 weeks later...
I finally got around to picking up i.o.u; Why Everyone Owes Everyone and No One Can Pay by John Lanchester and Onward - How Starbucks Fought for Its Life without Losing Its Soul by Howard Schultz. I'm not far into i.o.u. but so far it's about what I was expecting it to be.
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