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I tend to have more than one book going at once. I was recently loaned The Road by Cormac McCarthy. I'm only a couple of pages in but I see that I'll probably enjoy it. I've also got Lucky Starr and the Oceans of Venus - an old favorite - by Isaac Asimov (as Paul French) and Perelandra by C.S. Lewis in rotation.

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Have been reading Steven Erikson and Ian C Esselmont's Malazan novels, in recommended reading order. Currently busy with Esselmont's Orb, scepter, throne and loving it. Also, for those who love the Warhammer 40k novels (and judging by this forum there are quite a few), give the Ciaphas Cain novels by Sandy Mitchell a try. Quite funny for Warhammer novels as it follows the various misadventures of a cowardly Imperial Commissar.

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I just finished a biography on the Marquis de Lafayette. http://www.amazon.com/The-Marquis-Reconsidered-Laura-Auricchio/dp/0307387453


Really nicely done and fills in some blanks for me, an U.S. American who only gets a few dibs and dabs on the man. He is quite a bit more than the little we learn of him in the American Revolution and we owe him a great deal more than that. If you enjoy history then this is a good one to read and it is an easy ready. No tweed jackets or ivory towers needed to enjoy.

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Welcome2Stonia, on 17 Mar 2016 - 8:04 PM, said:


"1984" by George Orwell

Really? I just watch the current state of our society to understand the plot ;)



As for myself I don´t read as much as I used to but I did read a couple books by Enid Blyton a few months ago.

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...maybe some sci-fi, Isaac Asimov or... damn, can't remember the guy's name. Wrote Hyperion at any rate. Can anyone recommend something in those genres?


Hyperion was Dan Simmons, btw, first book of his Hyperion Cantos.


Mine is my first book of my Nightsong (Cantus Nocti) series.


Not to be a self-serving opportunist (who are we kidding here, I am an American, after all!) I would recommend for you my novel NIGHTFALL: BOOK ONE OF THE NIGHTSONG SPACE OPERA.

Not just because I wrote it, but because it fits your list perfectly.

She was five-stars when I had her self-published on Amazon...and now she's been purchased by Foundations Books, who will be re-releasing her within a few months, so you'll have to wait a while (I am re-editing for them as we type).

It's 100k words of adult SF Space Opera action, loved even by people who previously only read fantasy. Essentially sword and sorcery with space ships, and written by an actual sword-fighter of 25 years' blade experience, it contains three sword-fights, space-ship battles, orbital-bombardment, space-pirates, psychic powers, and super-soldier sex-bots.


To name drop, NIGHTFALL's manuscript was read by Ray Bradbury, and her screenplay was represented by lit agent Jane Letty.

Hopefully she'll be Netflix's version of Syfy's Expanse series.



Edited by DrDyddan
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Lady Midnight. I have a friend who religiously reads this series, and he's an old-school kind of guy. He buys the hardback books, but his wife has threatened to divorce him if he brings one more book home. I assume they must be tripping over them. Anyway, as he reads them, he hands them off to me so he doesn't get in trouble. It's a good series though, and hey... free.

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