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"Past Mortem" by Ben Elton. For those of you who've never heard of him, he is an English comedian responsible for writing series such as Blackadder. As a comedian I can't stand him, but he really excels as a writer of comedy. In this book, he combines a murder investigation with a reasonable dose of good old British humour. I've only just started, but I get the feeling it's going to be a bit like "The Gun Seller" by Hugh Laurie, which I think I mentioned here several months ago. i.e. good stuff :)
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Right, so let me get this straight... This General Sada guy is Saddam's most loyal and trusted advisor, but at the same time he's also happy to tell the world everything Saddam did wrong. Am I the only one who sees a contradiction here? Not to mention the absurd idea that a years-long war is necessary to remove one person from power in this modern age of precision weapons.


No, Saddam trusted him, he didn't like Saddam, and wouldn't call himself loyal. and had we just nailed Saddam with a Tomahawk, one of his sons probably would've taken over, either way, I don't think that this is the place to argue Iraq.

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Currently Reading "Hinterland" by James Clemens. Its second part to a series called the Godslayer chronicles. First part was excellant, so far Hinterland is even better. The author of book also had another series of books before called the Banned & The Banished, and they were the best series of books ive read since LOTR.
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Just finished "Past Mortem" by Ben Elton. Up till 4 am this morning, unable to put it down! Well worth reading.


I will now move on to The Dying Earth series by Jack Vance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't read much, but last night I did read something absolutely hilarious in my parents' "library": Polilically Correct Bedtime Stories by James Finn Garner. What the book is about, is rewritting classic bed times stories to be un- "...sexist, racist, cultualist, nationalist, regionalist, ageist, lookist, ableist, sizeist, speciesist, intellectualist, socioeconomicist, ethnocentrist, phallocentrist, heteropatriarchalist, or other type of bias as yet unnamed..." My favourite has got to be "The Three Codependant Goats Gruff." I'm not sure if it's just me, but it is quite comical


From Publishers Weekly:

In this thin book Garner proposes to create "meaningful literature that is totally free from bias and purged from the influence of its flawed cultural past." The results are extremely funny. Updated to account for modern political sensibilities, these revisionist folktales reflect wit and an engaging knack for irony. In "Little Red Riding Hood," Grandma exacts her feminist revenge on the woodchopper, who "assumes that womyn and wolves can't solve their own problems without a man's help." In "The Frog Prince," the princess, now an "eco-feminist warrior," discovers that her dream frog is not a prince, but a real-estate developer. In other tales, Rapunzel becomes a self-reliant coffee-house singer and the Three Little Pigs armed guerrillas, while cultural imperialists such as The Big Bad Wolf and Goldilocks get what has been coming to them for centuries. The author strikes just the right tone here: clever, with more than a touch of self-awareness. And while each of these tales is short and easily digestible, in this case quickly read does not equal quickly forgotten. After one finishes this collection, "happily ever after" will never seem quite the same.

Copyright 1994 Reed Business Information, Inc.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Edgar Allen Poe's "Compilations" the best of the worst morbid stories.


He's my fav. author besides Tom Clancy. I guess he just feeds my twisted fascination with dark and wierd things lol

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Edgar Allen Poe's "Compilations" the best of the worst morbid stories.


He's my fav. author besides Tom Clancy. I guess he just feeds my twisted fascination with dark and wierd things lol

You should read Lovecraft. His stories are evil and twisted.

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You should read Lovecraft. His stories are evil and twisted.


hmmmm maybe i'll check it out at my school library when i get the chance

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You have to be in the mood for Lovecraft, as it can get quite heavy-going at times, but it is a definite must for any fans of horror, fantasy or the occult in general.




I was recently given a 1933 hardback edition of "Tales of Mystery and Imagination" by Poe, which I shall move on to when I finish "The Dying Earth" by Jack Vance. Though really, it is sooooo good that I don't want it to finish!!! :D

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