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The Currently Reading Thread .........


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i'm currently reading " The Lone Drow" by R.A Salvatore. its book 2 in a series of 3, the first one (the thousand orks) was pretty good too. Its mainly about Drzzit Do'urden going nuts and slaughtering a bunch of orks because he believes they where killed, when they werent, they escaped the orks, drizzit just doesnt know that
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The Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy: A Trilogy in Five Parts. By Douglas Adams. It's a compendium of ' The Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy', 'Resturant at the end of The Universe', 'Life, the Universe and Everything', 'So Long and Thanks for all the Fish' and 'Mostly Harmless. While reading them, my face has been going like this: :happy: ;D :D ;D :happy:
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Currently catching up on my science and philosophy, and stocking up on ammo for religion debates. Right now, it's Unweaving the Rainbow by Richard Dawkins. Other books from the past few days, and I would strongly recommend ALL of them:


The God Delusion - Richard Dawkins

The Demon Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark - Carl Sagan

Letter to a Christian Nation - Sam Harris

Why I Am Not a Christian - Betrand Russell

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by stocking up on ammo for religious debates you mean with people not on the forum right?

cos relgious debates are banned here.


Yes, I mean for debates elsewhere. I'm well aware of the fact that religious debates are banned here, I'm the one who got them banned (whiny people didn't like it when I put up long lists of why their precious beliefs are wrong). Just search for a thread called "morality of god", or any of the evolution debates, they're fun reading.

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cool, your an atheist (like me) i assume.

and i can already guess what morality of god is going to be about :D no dout about it, he's a racist.


edit: after reading the morality of god: wow, you just summed up everything i think of "god" in one post.

tis why paganism works, having more then one god works, you can have an evil one and a good one, the good one can make up for the evil ones deeds.

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I am currently reading The Children of Húrin by J.R.R. Tolkien.

Me wants it, me wants it bad.


Nasty Hobbittsses, they tooks it.

Me hates, me hates them forever.



My copy is delayed in the post.


Stupid postman.

I hate the postman.

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