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21 June, Tessource Down?


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Yesterday, tessource was down all day I believe. I was at my friends house (to borrow his MW cd ;) ) and told him tessource was a nice site for mods, it has a forum, etc. While he is logging into his computer account, i'm still talking about tessource. :rolleyes: Then he goes to the site, and it doesn't work! Nice first impression :wacko:


Anyway, that can happen of course. But what was it? Did you update the site, did something went wrong? Can we expect it to happen again soon? :unsure:

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I've just realised there have been some changes made to the forum layout. Most noticeably is the fact that the opening post on each thread is repeated on every page of that thread. This is fine, unless the first post fills up half a page, like on my current roleplay! :(
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I've just realised there have been some changes made to the forum layout. Most noticeably is the fact that the opening post on each thread is repeated on every page of that thread. This is fine, unless the first post fills up half a page, like on my current roleplay!


I can't seem to recreate this. Please could you provide a link example?

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:blush: Sorry, my mistake - On my other machine I had it "switched to linear" from the options button at the top right hand side of the page. Soz :blush: :blush: :blush:


So why was the site down yesterday, praytell?

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Me and my gang of teh ub3r script-kiddies took it over for the day, as an example of our total and unquestioned master of the 311t-verse!!!111... One1One. And our inability to acquire girlfriends. Yeah, it was an example of that too.


For a slightly more believable story, I suspect a wedge of cheese was involved in a brief liason with a part of the server, which melted or "gave birth" to a half-cheese-half-chipset monster, that set about killing its creators, as monster are wont to do.


For more of these random brain-farts, please email me between the hours of 23:00 and 2:00 when my brain is nice and simmering. Or possibly boiling over.


Good to have the site back, even though we only lost it for a day :D

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