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Beginners guide to modding


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can not get tes5edit working for some strange reason. in wrye bash i have everything but my saves in green. loot says everything is fine. no error messages. most of my problems seem to be on start up. sometimes within 30 seconds of entering game it freezes. not sure what to do.

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as long as your saves are green or purple you should be fine. Click on the top save then look over on the right at the list of mods in that box, if all those files are not green or blue, then what ever files that are not are the ones causing you problems. Tes5Edit goes in the same folder as the .EXE used to start your game, NOT your DATA folder but the folder right before it

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So I'm trying to download EnBseries but the page is very confusing. All of the download buttons are some doctoPDF software. The link in the guide takes you to a page that doesn't have a download button at the bottom like the guide says. I did find a page that has downloads and I think what I'm looking for is

ENBinjector v0.004. Is this correct?

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So I'm trying to download EnBseries but the page is very confusing. All of the download buttons are some doctoPDF software. The link in the guide takes you to a page that doesn't have a download button at the bottom like the guide says. I did find a page that has downloads and I think what I'm looking for is

ENBinjector v0.004. Is this correct?


Sorry, I do not do ENB

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okay thanks. I'll figure it out.


i'm at step 10, t says my left panel should show loose file load order but I only see this




Is the Hi Res texture pack something I download? Sorry I'm so ignorant of all this.


Edited by Boutte1
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So I'm trying to download EnBseries but the page is very confusing. All of the download buttons are some doctoPDF software. The link in the guide takes you to a page that doesn't have a download button at the bottom like the guide says. I did find a page that has downloads and I think what I'm looking for is

ENBinjector v0.004. Is this correct?







you need those too files... place them into you MAIN skyrim folder, then add the selected enb over top :)


hope that helps


sorry Grom but i do enb lol and i like to help :P


promise it will be my last hijacking though ;) lol

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sorry Grom but i do enb lol and i like to help :tongue:


promise it will be my last hijacking though :wink: lol



naaa, that's fine, that's what the thread is here for :smile:


Also, if that's the case, that you're really good with ENB's, you should write a guide in the same style as mine, just use each section for each different ENB and walk the person through how to install it, would get pinned IMO :)

Edited by gromulos
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