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Beginners guide to modding


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So TES5Edit doesn't really do anything, from what I've seen. Doesn't give any idea as to how to clean or fix conflicts, it just displays it in a bunch of gibberish that I couldn't interpret from Greek. (Probably because I'm a complete idiot like that.) It says that all of the Follower mods that I have installed (three of them) have multiple errors, which doesn't make a bit of sense (like I said, I'm an idiot). Any ideas?

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i think what you need to do is to learn how to use the program first, with that said, here is some helpful information for you


3) TES5EDIT is used to do 2 things,


(A) verify that your load order is not missing any files that your mods need and


(B) verify that no primary files are being loaded after secondary files. When you run TES5EDIT it will throw up an error box and the error will be displayed at the bottom of the right pane / panel. All you have to do is read what it says and it will tell you exactly how to fix the problem in Wrye Bash. Yes, you can open Wrye Bash while TES5EDIT is open so you don't even have to write down what the error is http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/smile.gif





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Hi Gromulos - thought you weren't around anymore but I see you just haven't been touching the main threads.


I've been wanting to suggest to you that you update your page 1 guide to show the initial load order with USLEEP versus the separate unofficial patches - then link to USLEEP author's post page where he shows people how to change the master header of an older mod from a previous unofficial patch name to usleep.


There are also some nice tips presented in this guide:



I would think about adding or replacing the 'intermediate' modding link in your guide to that one, namely because it explains all the newer information for various other tweaks.





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ok first and foremost, i don't even know what USLEEP is, so i WILL NOT AND DO NOT recommend using it, as for your "opinion" about whose guides I should be linking to, I will link to only guides that I have DIRECT PERSONAL permission from the authors. I know the other 2 authors personally and I trust their advice for their links to be in my thread, it's that simple.


Quite honestly, I don't know who you are and I take offense to you telling me what I should add or delete to my guide, THOUSANDS of people have used my guide just the way it is and I have never received one single complaint.




EDIT: After finding USLEEP and reading about it, I will formerly apologize to Jeedge, using Usleep would replace the old unofficial patches and free up a few esp's, thus making your load order smaller.



Edited by gromulos
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Ah Gromulos - I'm sorry for being so forward with you. About a year ago, you helped me out a great deal over the course of multiple weeks and so I thought we were best friends now?? :ohmy:


No problem at all, I understand where you're coming from when you initially took offense to my suggestions. I'm actually surprised no one had brought it up to you earlier since USLEEP's been out for a while. I know your guide works since I followed it many times and I still refer others to it. It's amazing how many posts go up In This Specific Mod Troubleshooting Forum and yet people failed to notice the 1st stickied post that could've solved their issues.


As for the other link - the author did state basically to spread the word. If you don't decide to link it, you may still find some interest in reading up on some of the concepts presented through that guide - namely what the latest 0305 series ENB brings to the table, and how crash fixes renders the older sheson and ssme memory patch schemes obsolete. I was skeptical at first, but my current mod build is running great - almost 30 hours in with zero crashing, albeit a modest plugin count of only 110 or so mods as well. I like the information presented because it's current for 2016 and thought English is not the author's first language, thought he did a good job explaining each item and seems very active ihis guide's posts section.






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DUDE! a year in the gaming industry is a life time lol :P


Seriously, I can't be expected to remember every person I help. While I think it's great that you are doing so well with your load order in Skyrim, I will not be adding or using any of the info for that guide for 1 reason, this is a Beginners guide and as you well know by now, NO ENB is for a beginner to try and figure out lol :P

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So true - even though I walked into that guide with confidence, it still took me 4 or so hours to digest the information then another 3 hours trying out 4-5 different ENBs before finding one I liked. . Anyway, it should be an interesting year with Skyrim remastered coming out.






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