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Beginners guide to modding


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This is ace! Thanks, about the orange check marks though, is there something wrong with using tesVedits 'sort masters' option? I've always just used Wrye to find which are orange and then load them in tesvedit and use that feature. I also thought it had no real effect but I suppose that would make colour coding it pointless, huh?

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I color coded it because I hang out in the chat room and tell people to read different sections based on problems they are having.


I suppose you could do it in TES5 but most beginners wouldn't even know where to begin doing that lol, just remember, orange mods are more dangerous than the red ones, and are harder to fix


thanks for the compliment :)

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Sorry, not sure if I was clear. I meant plugins with the orange check marks in wyre bash, and that if they didn't cause issues it wouldn't make sense to highlight them orange and alert you to the 'issue'. Not the section you colour coded in your post ha. Kudos for the work btw, when I can get your profile to load ha :wink:


Sorry, just wanted to double check with you, when you say mods that show as orange in wrye are harder to fix, how do you mean? Because, I may be wrong, but as far as I know it's an easier process than cleaning mods is. I'm basically going by this thread and a bit more, maybe you'll find it worth reading, if you haven't already - http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1342196-masters-out-of-order/

If you agree with the solution perhaps you could add it to your original post?

Edited by piperman123
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Orange mods MAY be harder to fix because sometimes it is not just a matter of moving them around, I have run across 3 completely different instances, working with other people to fix thier issues, where the .ESP file was actually corrupted and had to be manually download and installed in order to get the orange mod to turn green. So yea, sometimes orange mods can be a pain in the butt lol :P There is another reason why mods can be orange but I won't go into detail about that here in this thread as the subject is directly against the Nexus TOS and EULA.


If a mod is red, then you know it is just a matter of installing the missing master file needed.


Glad my guide helped you and tyvm for the reply :)

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