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Foul language


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I just hate when a short linguisted person shout "F.... you" 5 times to expres his dislike of another person. It sounds even more hatefull in Danish when they use the "F" word and the Danish word for "You".

Even in a foreing languish like English, I can find many alternative words to express my discontent with another being. Should I need to emphasize my point in a debate, well I better know what I am talking about, and use the proper scientific words needed.

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  On 7/31/2010 at 8:40 PM, Balagor said:

I just hate when a short linguisted person shout "F.... you" 5 times to expres his dislike of another person. It sounds even more hatefull in Danish when they use the "F" word and the Danish word for "You".

Even in a foreing languish like English, I can find many alternative words to express my discontent with another being. Should I need to emphasize my point in a debate, well I better know what I am talking about, and use the proper scientific words needed.


Here's one even worse than that - when they use the F word like punctuation.

No joke. I was in line for a movie and there was these 4 teenagers in front of me, one of them is talking and I am standing there looking at the young 20-something couple behind me with their two kids who are squirming like crazy. So I eavesdrop the kid's conversation and here this enlightened statement:


"So f***in' Bill goes over to f***in' Sara's and starts f***in' banging on her f***in' door f***in' screaming at her to f***in' let him the f*** in."


Ah, the youth of this great nation - so educated, well-behaved, and well-mannered. Their parents must be so proud :rolleyes:


I look at the family behind me and tell them, "I got this" and tap the kid in front of me with the colourful vocabulary on the shoulder. He turns and says, "Yeah?" to which I reply, "Did you know that there are over 275,000 words in the English language?" He says he did not know that and I tell him, "Well now you do - so pick another word and use that"


Embarassed him to death - everyone else in line thought it was hilarious. :laugh:

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I Did the same thing in class to one of the people who was annoying me.. Lets just say he lost about 50% of his friends.

It Was Hilarious.


Swearing is bad kids it will get you into deep deep trouble TRUST ME I WOULDN"T KNOW

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The impact of the word also varies by who uses it. I know people who use the F word constantly, as such it has very little impact, if my mum had ever used it then it would have.
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  On 8/2/2010 at 3:10 PM, jim_uk said:

The impact of the word also varies by who uses it. I know people who use the F word constantly, as such it has very little impact, if my mum had ever used it then it would have.


That's true, because i think people who don't use foul language are aware of how it would be seen by others.

Same for guys sitting in parks and drinking beer and every second word begins with f. They don't think about that, they just want to have attention from others. Don't know, maybe they think it is cool?


I try to ignore people who use such a kind of language, i don't use it because i don't like it and it wouldn't suit a well educated young woman. :wink:

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  On 8/2/2010 at 3:10 PM, jim_uk said:

The impact of the word also varies by who uses it. I know people who use the F word constantly, as such it has very little impact, if my mum had ever used it then it would have.


I agree. Although, I do think that there are some people who should swear - like, say the US President.

THAT would be a State of the Union Adress nobody would forget:

Announcer: "Ladies and Gentlemen, the President of the United States..."

Pres. Obama: "My fellow Americans .... we are well and truly f***ed" :laugh:

...wait a minute .... that's not funny :unsure:

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You know, I never get why we have to censor it. By saying the phrase "F Word" the word is automatically put into our brain. It is practically the equivalent of actually saying the word. But indeed, it is a word to be used in moderation, just to keep it's impact. If you say any word enough times it sounds stupid. If it was "Hip, cool, and snazzy" to say [insert random word] in place of [only using this phrase because I can't use the real word] the F word, it would be just as tiring and imbecile. Let's use the word "Brick."

Snot-Nosed kid in line says:

"So Bricking Bill goes over to Bricking Sara's and starts Bricking banging on her Bricking door Bricking screaming at her to Bricking let him the Brick in."

[smacks kid upside the head] That felt gooood :devil:


So, in essence, it's not the word. It's how tediously it is used. Usually by fools to gain attention. However, if it is used as it was meant to, as an expletive, it works. But I guess you can't fix stupid.


Interesting Note:

I believe [not totally sure] that it was created in the middle ages as an acronym for the phrase:

Fornication Under Consent of the King

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  On 8/2/2010 at 11:43 PM, DarkNinja13 said:
  On 8/2/2010 at 3:10 PM, jim_uk said:

The impact of the word also varies by who uses it. I know people who use the F word constantly, as such it has very little impact, if my mum had ever used it then it would have.


I agree. Although, I do think that there are some people who should swear - like, say the US President.

THAT would be a State of the Union Adress nobody would forget:

Announcer: "Ladies and Gentlemen, the President of the United States..."

Pres. Obama: "My fellow Americans .... we are well and truly f***ed" :laugh:

...wait a minute .... that's not funny :unsure:


I think honesty from a politician would be a greater shock than the swearing. :biggrin:


Edit: I forgot about this, in the UK we have a vulgar term for female genitalia beginning with T.... this is our Prime Minister...



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