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Entries of Cyrodiil: A Goblins journey


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...“Heh...heh...heh...That tickles...” I said in a stupefied state...

...struck me like a kick to the groin...


Loved these parts XD


...but in all seriousness, I. WILL. KILL. YOU. IF YOU STOP. I NEED MORE.


heck, i'm even considering animating some parts in 3ds max...


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...“Heh...heh...heh...That tickles...” I said in a stupefied state...

...struck me like a kick to the groin...


Loved these parts XD


...but in all seriousness, I. WILL. KILL. YOU. IF YOU STOP. I NEED MORE.


heck, i'm even considering animating some parts in 3ds max...



3ds max? :teehee:


Let's not get carried away here. :laugh: Glad you enjoyed it, and no need to fear, my nervous breakdown (So to speak) has subsided. I will write more.

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You've written another tantalizing piece. Kudos!


I think it's worth mentioning at this stage in your writing, that your style reminds me my own at a certain juncture. I can tell by reading all of your work, that you have an inherit love for the art of literature. Trust me when I say, that things will not always come to you when you like. Ideas, plots, and the perfect phrasing often take time to develop. Nothing should be rushed. Every writer has his or her own pace that they must find, and follow. I for instance, don't believe in writer's block. The reason we stall, is because we are not satisfied with the direction our mind is taking us. That is ok. Be patience. Listen to music. Climb a cliff. Swim in a lake. Walk through a park. (some of my extra activities) These things may seem trivial, but they are not. Your mind and body will be refreshed after having absorbed inspiration from the world...

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You've written another tantalizing piece. Kudos!


I think it's worth mentioning at this stage in your writing, that your style reminds me my own at a certain juncture. I can tell by reading all of your work, that you have an inherit love for the art of literature. Trust me when I say, that things will not always come to you when you like. Ideas, plots, and the perfect phrasing often take time to develop. Nothing should be rushed. Every writer has his or her own pace that they must find, and follow. I for instance, don't believe in writer's block. The reason we stall, is because we are not satisfied with the direction our mind is taking us. That is ok. Be patience. Listen to music. Climb a cliff. Swim in a lake. Walk through a park. (some of my extra activities) These things may seem trivial, but they are not. Your mind and body will be refreshed after having absorbed inspiration from the world...



I support what Species5478 has written. :thumbsup:

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You've written another tantalizing piece. Kudos!


I think it's worth mentioning at this stage in your writing, that your style reminds me my own at a certain juncture. I can tell by reading all of your work, that you have an inherit love for the art of literature. Trust me when I say, that things will not always come to you when you like. Ideas, plots, and the perfect phrasing often take time to develop. Nothing should be rushed. Every writer has his or her own pace that they must find, and follow. I for instance, don't believe in writer's block. The reason we stall, is because we are not satisfied with the direction our mind is taking us. That is ok. Be patience. Listen to music. Climb a cliff. Swim in a lake. Walk through a park. (some of my extra activities) These things may seem trivial, but they are not. Your mind and body will be refreshed after having absorbed inspiration from the world...


That's a good way to put it. :happy:


I try not to rush my work, but it's hard not to when you have this pool of fantastic ideas swimming around in your mind. All you want to do is just release it, but the timing has to be correct. That, in my opinion, is the real challenge of writing.

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Time and date unknown


“Mother”…I looked up as the knob twisted…”What have you done now?”


My heart palpitated like an uneasy drum as the door slowly slid open. I began to imagine what beast was hidden behind the wooden door; Oblivion was so unpredictable that it was difficult to form an accurate and decisive strategy of any kind. May it be upcoming battles, or ways to maneuver efficiently throughout the realm, Oblivion always had a trick up its sleeve.




The sound flowed from the creases of the door, “A dog?”


“Araaaa!!!” I sense a dreamer…” The voice seemed divine, echoing from behind the door in every direction. But it was impossible to echo from within here; whatever it was making its way in, it sure wasn’t a Dremora, or a mortal to be sure. In fact, the voice was feminine, not masculine, and there was no such thing as female Daedra in Oblivion.




“I can smell you!”


“Who are you… Wa-what do you want?”


“Ahhh…Yori.” The door flung open to an invisible being, “At last we meet.”


For a moment, the being was quiet, perhaps reading my soul as it circled around me, searching for something it desired. I could see the exit right there, calling out to me, but I could feel the energy of the entity nearing my body. If I made a run for it, would it cast me down? If I attempted to expose it, would it capture my soul? I was too startled to find out anyway, it was if my feet where glued to the cement, refusing to budge no matter the cost.


“What’s wrong-“ The reaction shattered the stillness abruptly as it laid at my ear, causing me to bolt for the door “Not so fast my sweet.” The door glowed a bright white as it slammed shut, magically sealed from a lock spell. My haste was to blind to catch up, causing me to hit my head and land in the arms of the last person I ever thought of seeing in a place like this.


“By Azura! You’re…You’re…” My hand trembled wildly as I turned around and pointed up to her,


“Vae, the Daedric Princess of Dreams. Betroved to my love Ermin, the Daedric Prince of nightmares.” Vae spoke the truth, there was no such thing as Vaermina, the Daedric god of both Dreams and Nightmares.


There were actually two who took each side. It’s a common misconception because Ermina is usually the one who took audience with the mortals; therefore, few knew the truth behind this secret.


“So you’re the one who’s been giving me these dreams along the way.” She took me by the hand,


“Yes.” She kissed it, stroking my armor playfully as she navigated my position counterclockwise, “It was me, feeding you those scrumptious creations of mine.” My heart melted like milk chocolate; my soul belonged to her.


I swallowed hard, trying to resist her seductive nature. She wanted something, but her stirring movement was like a trance; I simply couldn’t turn away.


“You want something…do-don’t you?” She smiled innocently, pretending to act surprised.


“Well…now that you mention it. Yes, yes there is something this dreary goddess longs for. Surely a big…buff…handsome man could assist me?” I bit my lip,


“I…I…” I faced the door, “I…”


“Yori….” She took me by the chin, repositioning me to her captivating figure. “Maybe this will jog your memory…” She leaned over, pushed aside her charcoal hair, and kissed me.


But somebody was watching…


Vae pushed me back as her face burned and cracked, giving way to a snake in disguise.


“You’re not Vae!” I stepped back as he trapped me in the corner, “Mephala…”


“The Daedric God of deception.”


“You tricked me!”


“Yes, and I would have succeeded if it wasn’t for that damn locket!”


“What do you want from me; I’ve done nothing wrong.”


“No, but you are in possession if one of my artifacts, STOLEN from me years ago.”

“You mean MY locket?”


“Yes, yes, the same trinket that foiled my plan. Now give it here!”


“NO! My mother gave me this before she died, it belongs to me!”


“So it was her; the selfish goblin couldn’t let it go, or her son it would seem. Very clever Ciara, very clever.”


“You knew my mother?”


“Of course I did! She was one of my followers in her youth, destined to become an expert assassin to protect the citizens of her realm. She was ambitious unlike anything I’ve ever seen, and she learned very quickly, rising above her classmates. She was the best in the class, and I wanted her to become my mortal champion, but in the end, the sneaky Goblin snatched one of my artifacts from beneath my nose, fleeing into darkness where she knew I couldn’t follow. She never explained to me why she took it; even in our frequent encounters…I obviously taught her well. Even in death, she continues to elude me.”


“My mother? I don’t think so; I think you’ve got the wrong Goblin…”


“Do I?” He touched his finger slightly against the locket, revealing its true form. “That is what it really looks like.” The silvery sheen, now replaced by a clear white, confirmed that Mephala was speaking the truth.


“Do you see the robe etched into its back?”


“That’s your birth sign…Your not lying. But why, why would she want a Daedric artifact for holding souls?” I studied it closer, still unable to open it from the wandering soul within.


“I don’t know mortal, but that locket belongs to me. Hand it over.”


“I can’t, not until my mission is complete.”


“You dare challenge a Daedric Prince? I said HAND IT OVER!”


“And I said no!” My eyes leaped to the door, and then my feet.


“Oh no you don’t Mortal!” He grabbed me by the waist from a telekinesis spell, “You’re not going anywhere!” I reached for the locked knob,


“Let…go…” My fingers barely grazed it.


I pushed against the current of magic, soon finding myself in a familiar predicament. I knew that the moment I stepped outside that door, Mephala wouldn’t be able to face me in his physical form; that was my ticket out.


“Enough of this game; YOU WILL GIVE IT TO ME!” His increasing hostility made the spell even stronger, yet somehow, as if I had channeled the magic away from him, I was able to break his hold for one brief moment.


I positioned my palm around the knob, unlocked it with a spell, and jerked the door open, soaring into the air as the Prince almost grappled my arm. The only thing that stopped him was the magical barrier preventing his physical form from bypassing. This wasn’t his realm.


“Enjoy your victory mortal.” His eyes light up as his cape caught fire, “But don’t be surprised when you find a knife in your throat. I will return, and that locket will be mine.” He vanished in a cloud of smoke as his last word rebounded.


I emerged out into the main halls of the Sigil tower, following the concentrated beam of fire that marked the heart of an active tower, up to the very top. That’s where the stone was being held.


Only now was my objective coming into view.



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Time and date unknown


It was time...


Time I thought? Was it really That time again? Was this another of those moments in history where something historic would take place? Was time even real, was this existence real? Or quite simply, was time created by those intelligent as a means to understand and control this so called existence of random destruction? Was existence itself only the entertainment of a wandering mind, where anything and anywhere could just vanish into thin air, quite like how a feather can easy elude 20-20 vision.


Funny what thoughts run through you in what seems like your final hour…


Or was I just sweating the small stuff?


As I neared the entrance of the Sigillum Sanguis, the room where the sigil stone was kept, I thought of much of my life in great detail, but why; it still wasn’t clear.


“That’s a long fall.” I balanced myself over the dark railing midway up, looking down to the cauldron of lava that rested on the first floor.


I wondered what it would feel like if this rail broke, and how my fragile body would react to the flames below. I shuddered, “Don’t think such things Yori…” I continued up the winding path, sort of like a stairway, until I reached the very top of the tower.


I looked up at the red, stainless steel glass dome where the beam of fire penetrated through, catching my breath before I came to the door that lead to the Sigillum Sanguis. It reeked of the smell of death, and as I pulled my hand away from its slimy surface, a tar like goo stuck between us.


“What is this?”


It wasn’t long before my entire body snared within it, struggling to inhale something other than this quagmire. “Is this thing alive?” I said out loud as the goo appeared to be pulling me further within it, eventually releasing me from claustrophobia as it spit me into the other side.


“That’s one way to enter a room.” I cleansed myself of the doors extracts before I proceeded to the heart of the hallway, lining myself between two doors that lead into the Sigil room. I listened as Gia chanted,


“Meus deus incendia , meus deus intelligendo , EGO peto vestri celebratio. EGO tendo vobis illa munia ut vota pro , ut iam nos opportunus.”


Those words…They were forbidden; the very kind that could destroy a man by simply reading them. What was Gia planning; what was she?


I positioned my body to the ground, and slowly crawled my way into the room under the cover of a cloaking spell to get a better look. Before I proceeded to the second floor, I watched as she continued to recite from the black book in her hands.


“Iam orior oriri ortus meus dues! ORIOR, ORIRI ORTUS PRO IAM NOS NARRO!” The flames hugging the Sigil stone suddenly began to move restlessly,


“Orior, oriri ortus!” Her hair flew back from the heated air,


“Orior, oriri ortus!” Her eyes glazed with red,


“ORIOR, ORIRI ORTUS!!!” And with the final push of her words, the Sigil stone erupted in a mass of overwhelming fire, breaking even the nearly indestructible chains that held up the round alter of the Sigil stone.


It plummeted below in a shower of concrete and dust, smashing through the glass dome and into the cauldron that awaited its arrival. The shards of glass flew into the air like a gust of wind to a pile of leaves, raining down in all sorts of random locations. I winced as I took a step back, daring to look up to the transformation of the stone above. It radiated with such luminosity unlike anything I’ve witnessed before, rivaling even the glow of the Oblivion gates.


In its place was the center of this travesty, the reason why I was here and why this realm terrorized its twin of Cyrodiil. He was the Prince of Revolution, and change. He represented energy and the ambition to express it. He gave birth to beings that could shake the planet, that could torch entire continents, and could flood the world three times over. He was Mehrunes Dagon, the Prince of Destruction.


My eyes augmented energetically, yet still, I challenged myself to climb higher, I WANTED to get a closer look, I WANTED to fulfill my curiosity, I WANTED to believe I was untouchable in this rare moment in time…




Was it really that time again?


There was only one way to find out.


As I neared the stairway to the third and final floor of the Sigillum Sanguis, the entire room vibrated as if Akatosh himself had planted his foot nearby. I nearly lost my footing over the edge where I could have easy shared the same fate of the alter; balance was everything.


“Yes my lord, your instructions have been followed thoroughly as asked...” The room rumbled again, “I…I mean informed, NO! Demanded, as demanded my lord…” I followed Gia’s voice up to the third floor, observing their communion from behind a pillar, trying to control the urge to look over.


“Followed? No, no impossible. I traced the route, took every precaution…” I held my breath, “The chances are much too slim. What are the odds?”


I moved closer, “But I don’t see how…” Gia glanced over as she spotted me spying on the meeting, immediately ending the audience with Dagon and converting the stone back to its original form. With the pull of her finger she teleported me to one of the pillars beside her, fastening chains to my every limb.


“What are you doing here little Goblin? How did you find yourself in my tower?”


“So you’re Gia?”


“Interesting…The beast can speak words.” I pushed against the metal links,


“I’m not a beast! If anything you’re the monster here. I saw what you did to those mages, how you stole the lives from them. Why are you even working for the Mythic Dawn, why are you consorting with Dagon?” Gia smiled confidently,


“Are you really that naïve? My child, you know much about me don’t you; you have the gift of intelligence. Don’t you recognize me; can’t you see who I really am?” I squinted as she lowered that hood of hers, but all I could see was the birth sign of the serpent, swimming away within her red pupils.


“All I can recognize is the malodorous mephitis of a soul corrupted.”


“To be expected.” Expected?


She knew what I was going to say even before I did.


“Those rumors and fairytales have blinded you have they not, for you are too conceded with the truth that you can’t even remember a legendary face. Can you not see it is I? Can you not recall the presence of the Champion of Cyrodiil?” My heart sank to my stomach; I almost couldn’t believe it.


Now I knew why I found her so customary. She was the Crimson Blade of the Area, the slayer of the Daedra, Sheogorath of the Shivering Isles, a night of the Nine, and the savior of the Imperial Empire. Yet here she was, serving under the cover of night to an evil misunderstood to those absent minded enough to become entangled in its silky embrace.


The ruse of the century.


“You’re her, the Champion of the empire? But…but why? It makes no sense, it comes to no logic.”


“Why? Because I wanted access, I wanted power! Do you have any idea how it feels it feel invincible, to feel like nothing can harm you? I’ve traveled to realms; I’ve met Princes and Gods! Who’s to say it stops there? Who’s to say I can’t expand what’s possible and remake what’s not? Uriel Septiem said it himself that I will be remembered for the acts I would commit. But people forget too easy, they don’t appreciate what they have until it’s blown up in their face. Well now everyone will know, now everyone will remember the name Gia, Empress of two realms!”


“You’ve gone mad!” I concluded, watching as she contemplated my points,


“Maybe so my child, but then again, everyone eventually does…What’s this?” She walked up to me, intrigued by my locket as the red glow of the sigil stone flinted off of its surface.


The light was just right to spark Gia’s interest.


“This gem is a Daedric Artifact, and yet there it is, around your scaly neck. Smells like…Mephala. What is this doing with you, such a wicked artifact should belong to me.” My skin tightened as she wrapped her wrinkly fingers around it, its touch wetting her desire.


“Don’t you dare take this from me!” I sunk my teeth into her soft flesh cutting right down to the bone, constricting my knuckles as her finger nails lashed at my face.




“You hellion, how dare you lay a finger at me!” She snagged the locket directly from my neck, fighting against me as I grasped the end of the chain.


“Let go Goblin, I must have it!”


“What’s up with this locket! Why does everyone want it all of a sudden? “


“You don’t know do you?” I stared into her eyes as I tugged for it,


“What are you talking about, it’s just a Daedric artifact, it’s not like its irreplaceable!”


“That locket isn’t just any Daedric artifact you fool! It was given to Nelia by her husband on his death bed ages ago as a reminder that one day; he would return to her aside once more. It was an ancient promise long forgotten, only to be achieved by a mortal champion!”


“And how does this tie together with you and Mephala?”


“Because, Mephala was the husband of Nelia, he was once mortal like you and I. When he died, he became a Daedric Prince under the promise he swore to keep, and now he’s wandering the realms in search of a soul to assist him. But this locket is far more powerful than you can ever imagine; it leads to his realm as neglected by conscious as his promise was. That’s where his home resided, and that’s what I’m truly after!”


“A realm, that’s why you went through all of this trouble?”


“You really don’t get it do you? Ha, ha ,ha! There’s so much for you to learn, why don’t you come with me as my apprentice, together, we can unlock the riches of a land closed off.”


“And how am I supposed to trust you? You betrayed everyone who looked up to you, even Dagon who you claim to be under service of. For all I know, this could be a trick just to acquire my locket for whatever true purpose you have in store for it.”


“You’re very bright for a goblin, sad that it has to be wasted on such ignorance.” Feeling the tug in Gia’s favor, I clinched the heart of the locket to reaffirm my hold.


As if it recognized my touch, it glowed a heavenly white, just as it did the day I captured my mother’s soul. But before I could apply my other hand, it slipped from between my fingers and into Gia’s hands; the glow engulfing her from head to toe.


“What’s happening to me!!!!” Gia screamed as the locket levitated in place, her soul clasping on her mortal body as it was drawn away.


A heavy gust of wind battered the Sigil room, and the ground appeared to ripple, spreading fire and rock alike in the very path of the cross over. The chains that held me in place began to strain and crack, giving me the edge I needed to break free. As I pushed against the gale of carnage, I made my way over to her.


“Gia you have to listen me! It’s the locket, its absorbing your soul. You have to part with it! Do you understand me, you have to part with now!”


“Never! NEVER! Ocumbrium will be mine!!!” And with a final flash, her soul broke away, overtaken by the same piece of jewelry that had imprisoned my mother all those years ago.


Gia’s body, nothing now but an empty shell, lay at the floor dead, the locket next to her side. Unable to save her from a fate permanent, I tightened it back around my neck, and turned my attention to the removal of the Sigil Stone. With the first anchor of this gate now safely locked away, all that was left was to take the stone and return home.


As I neared it I could feel as its breath took me by my chest; it was almost like it was waiting for me. My hand sizzled as I placed it over the stone, quickly taking it before any third degree burns could form. The beam of fire suddenly became enflamed, expanding three times its size before it blinded the entire room. In an instant, I could hear the birds chirping and the sunlight stretching, the sway of the grass at my feet, and the lick of the wind on my cheeks; the Oblivion gate closing just behind me.


“I’m home.” I thought to myself, “I’m finally home…” But my celebration was to be short lived.


“Yori…” I looked up to find Orgith and the entire Clan glaring at me.


I stared at them, without a word to say before glimpsing down at the stone and then back to them,


“Oh no…”



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I think you are a much better writer than me the same age...



I find that quite hopeful since you are but a few years older than me. Will my writing take off a few years from now?


I guess we'll see. :happy:


Fantastic job on Rise of the Horde BTW Species. :thumbsup:

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