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Acrostic Poem 1 - "I'm not good."


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Title : I'm Not Good




I think I'm not good


Many times, to me, i feel sorry, no, everyday.



Nothing good seems to be in my brain,


Only bad mind seems to lurk inside my vein.


Tragic, someday the Magic will make me invisible forever.



Great, another play thing.


Over and over, the Bright tries to make me sane.


Oh dear, But I like the Dark now. no, I'm not ready to be Bright.


Do... I need to be Bright?








This poem( I still don't know this is poem. xD) had been nearly a year in my computer, when I had some spare time to rest while in service(unique kind of military service in Korea. is that the "Alternative Military Service", precisely?).


I did'nt know there is such a beatiful section(Druid's Garden? hahaha :D) in this forum, so I decided to upload my poem.


It's not so... well... good in fellings. I'm not an expert and don't have enough skills, but I like all the arts, including literature, and music. (and, i can play the piano. :D)


In the 21st day of September in 2009, I was accused of crime, which is against the law of copyrights. I, fortunately, didn't have to pay the fine after all, since this was the very first time in my life, but I felt so blue and frustrated about my bad doing. So, I asked my supervisor in the place I'm working and had my vacation for a week. for three days, I just stayed in the room of my house and did nothing, even a meal. I wrote this poem(precisely, acrotic poem...) cause I needed to, with no reason.



Thinking twice these days, I think, thanks to this, my mind became cooler than before. I have no bad feelings about that anymore, and i'm happy to upload my poem to everybody in this beautiful forum. ^_^


Hope to enjoy. ^_^



P.S. I'm still learning English, and there will be something which can easily be misunderstood. argh, wish i have more skills... and piano. ^_^

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Beautyful work even in its depressing form. :happy:


Do you mind If I add one of my own?




Death is the nail that claims our life,

Its addiction to murder is its eternal strife.

It's as light as a feather and as quiet as air,

It strikes without guilt, fear, or despair.


People be weary of its frosty touch,

For the consequences will be too much.

Lock your doors, and seal the gate,

But there's no hiding from the truth of your fate.


The wind will grew restless and the world will shutter,

And so will the clock ring deaths frightful mutter.

Your heart will stop, and your brain will go unfed,

Remember your time for soon you shall be dead.


KeanuMoreira - Death 8/1/10

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Choi_Seungmin, the 'dark' often seems endless when we are deep inside it but this is an illusion. The Bright will come one day, even if it is just inside us.


Not goo?d. The Dark can cause us to see unclearly our world and ourselves. We can very easily


Not good? We might do good or bad or neutral acts and thoughts but we are not truly good or bad or neutral in a permanent way. We can change if we give ourselves a chance to and are given one.



Keanumoreira: good poem, interesting but a bit bleakly put. Focusing on life is for me a finer way of doing things.

Edited by Maharg67
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Choi_Seungmin, the 'dark' often seems endless when we are deep inside it but this is an illusion. The Bright will come one day, even if it is just inside us.


Not goo?d. The Dark can cause us to see unclearly our world and ourselves. We can very easily


Not good? We might do good or bad or neutral acts and thoughts but we are not truly good or bad or neutral in a permanent way. We can change if we give ourselves a chance to and are given one.



Keanumoreira: good poem, interesting but a bit bleakly put. Focusing on life is for me a finer way of doing things.


Oh believe me, I'm not a bleak person M. If you were to meet me you would see that I'm spontanious, random, and as happy as an excited puppy. I just wrote it because inspiration struck, and I learn now that you NEVER deny inspiration.

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I accept, Keanumoreira, that I may have mixed up the poem with the poet. Yes, even darker inspiration can be worth following to create a good work and to even come to some sort of understanding.


As spontanious, random, and as happy as an excited puppy? Very good!

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I accept, Keanumoreira, that I may have mixed up the poem with the poet. Yes, even darker inspiration can be worth following to create a good work and to even come to some sort of understanding.


As spontanious, random, and as happy as an excited puppy? Very good!


Thanks M. :blush:

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