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Problem with DMRA armor stock for BBB


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I'm pretty sure I've isolated the problem, but I am too new to Nifskope to fix it so am asking for help here.


I went through and checked several armor meshes from multiple authors and the one thing that I found in common among all the meshes that load into blender is that each body part looks like this in NifSkope:




Each bone list for the part starts with a copy of the 0 Ninode Scene Root before listing the bones appropriate to that body part.


Now in all the ones I looked at that didn't work, I was cleaning out large sections of NiSkinInstances and this made them work in Blender but then Saaya was noticing serious issues for some pieces once he wieght-painted them and tried to use them in game. Missing pieces, invisible pieces, etc. Now I checked the ones that I worked on before and what I found is that every single mesh that needed the pieces removed before Blender would load it looked like this:




I'm am almost 100% certain that the lack of 0 Ninode Scene Roots is the issue, but I cannot get copies of the 0 NiNode Scene Root to each piece, I've been trying to find info on the web but have been not having any luck. Looking at all the functioning meshes I do have, there must be a way to place a scene root at the beginning of each piece like my working example above so that they match the meshes that do work. After all my checking it seems that if I can get this done, I should be able to repair all the meshes that don't work in blender and we can get the project back on line. If anyone can help with this, We'd be most grateful.


Thanks for any help you can give.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I found the ultimate solution :


In fact the problem comes from an empty value where the mesh part is linked to the skeleton scene root :




And the solution is reaally simple : double clic and enter 0 to link the mesh to the skeleton :




Do the same for each node, save, and it's done...


Use the Force, Luke, use the Force... :biggrin:

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