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Problem with DMRA armor stock for BBB


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Hello everybody...


Well, I don't know if it's the good place to ask that.


Since some days I convert armors for BBB, but I have a problem with the DMRA stock armor : Blender can't import the files. The error message in the console says :


AttributeError : 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'children'


I don't know what it means, I don't know about Python. I tried to contact Edhildil but he don't answer.


If someone can help me, I would be very thankfull; if someone knows a way to contact Edhildil it can be helpfull.


A lot of people wait for the DMRA BBB armors ^^.


Thanks for help !


Saaya, boobs weightpainter padawan.

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If you can import a vanilla NIF such as the daedric cuirass without a problem, then I'd say it is not your "setup" that is the problem.


So, if the NIF cannot be imported by a working Blender setup because of how the NIF was created...I'd do the following to get around the problem:


1. Open the NIF using NifSkope and run through the Optimize and Sanitize menu scripts, save and try to import into Blender again.


2. Open the NIF using NifSkope and export the NiTriStrips / NiTriShapes to OBJ files and import into Blender using the Wavefront OBJ import. This is a last-ditch effort to get the model imported because doing this will remove all rigging / skinning and you will have to re-rig the entire model again.



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Excellent, thanks !


The first solution failed, but the second works. So, I just have to export each part in obj, import them into blender, replace the body by a weighted one and copy his weighting on the armor parts ? Then I import the skeleton and I export in nif ?


By chance Edhildil's skimpy armors don't have a lot of parts XD...


Thanks again Sir.

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So, I just have to export each part in obj, import them into blender, replace the body by a weighted one and copy his weighting on the armor parts ? Then I import the skeleton and I export in nif ?



By chance Edhildil's skimpy armors don't have a lot of parts XD...

Imagine that. hahaha.



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I experienced some... textures problems doing that. A part of the skin looks "burned". I checked the .nif and set the body material to "skin", but it doesn't works... :/
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Make sure the normals are facing the correct way before export. A single poly in the wrong direction could make the entire area "mad" in terms of light reflection.


If that is not the problem, try updating the tangent space. I think this is done automatically when exporting from Blender now but I know it used to be a problem before (I cannot remember what export programs had problems...but I knew updating tangent space fixed a lot of export issues)


Probably not a problem but check the material colors in NifSkope...the normal settings would be White, White, Black, Black.



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Thanks for your help again, I learned another thing ^^. However, Salamander8 succeded in some Nifskope manipulation I don't had try, and now I can load the meshes in Blender without exporting in obj.
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