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The Tea Party



28 members have voted

  1. 1. Is The Tea Party Movement Dangerous

    • No, they are a vocal minority with an inordinate amount of media attention.
    • No, they gain more members every day, but are good for the country.
    • Yes, they are a symptom of American ignorance, and a danger to America.

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The one where Democrats ram through their Social Justice agenda despite Obama's lie about a bi-partisan House and Senate


I find that amusing when the majority of the people standing in the way of efforts at bi-partisanship are republicans with an attitude of "my way or no way." This divisive attitude is, IMO, one of the most damaging effects the second Bush had on the republican party and America in general. No matter how you slice it, G. W. Bush polarized this nation's politics and it's going to take a while to recover from that. Personally I think he flat out destroyed the republican party and am ashamed to have actually voted for him in the past. He should've stayed governor of Texas (and I -live- in Texas) where at least he could do no real harm. Don't take this the wrong way. I am not a dyed-in-the-wool liberal. I'm not a die-hard conservative either.


Also amusing in that you make it sound like the people didn't want the health care bill. Here's the problem with that: if they didn't, they would've elected McCain, and/or more republicans to congress.


I well and truly believe what I said before though. The Tea Party will, in all likelihood, morph into the new GOP as it matures and sheds the extremists. It pretty much has to, since again, the GOP is trying its best to kill itself. They'd do well to distance themselves from Palin, too.


a REAL news source (not a blog or Fox)



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I have a rule... Never trust an organization which encourages a fanatical following, and never try to argue with those fanatical followers since neither end up anywhere good. It's nice that you're so worked up about this, but I would urge some caution. I wasn't really invested in this debate, and am now even less so. Wake me up when the revolution is over, and try not to burn my house down in the process.
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I have a rule... Never trust an organization which encourages a fanatical following, and never try to argue with those fanatical followers since neither end up anywhere good. It's nice that you're so worked up about this, but I would urge some caution. I wasn't really invested in this debate, and am now even less so. Wake me up when the revolution is over, and try not to burn my house down in the process.


Amen. This whole tea party thing is turning extremist fast. Mobs usually aren't interested in peaceful solutions. I thought they had some good points in the beginning, but now... Now, it's getting out of hand, which tends to happen to these things. Will it be the next revolution? Probably not, but it still has potential to get violent and that is never a good thing.

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I have a rule... Never trust an organization which encourages a fanatical following, and never try to argue with those fanatical followers since neither end up anywhere good. It's nice that you're so worked up about this, but I would urge some caution. I wasn't really invested in this debate, and am now even less so. Wake me up when the revolution is over, and try not to burn my house down in the process.


Amen. This whole tea party thing is turning extremist fast. Mobs usually aren't interested in peaceful solutions. I thought they had some good points in the beginning, but now... Now, it's getting out of hand, which tends to happen to these things. Will it be the next revolution? Probably not, but it still has potential to get violent and that is never a good thing.


Oh puh-leez. Nice inflammatory rhetoric. Both of you have cast the Tea Party as torch-weilding fanatics and pinned riots in the streets and a revolution on them. Good job. :thumbsup: Rabid grannies with picket signs are coming for you. You are both fanning the flames of fear for the Tea Party without a clue as to what they stand for. Not a shock though, the Liberal press does it on a daily basis.


From the general tact of the posts against the Tea Party they are 'evil' but no factual instances have been brought forth to show they are racists or threatening people. It's all bunk. They are a threat to Obama's agenda so they need to be discredited. Mind you, the Tea Party is mainly Independent voters. You know, the swing base that got Obama elected?


Imagine McCain in office instead of Obama, would the press and Democrats be squawking about the Tea Party then?

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I'm not saying Obama's agenda doesn't need to be stopped, just not by an aggressive force. Carefully planned words and cunning. Not mob psychology. Tell enough pissed off Americans that have no money or work that you're going to contend with the government and you will get tons of followers. But they will just be an angry crowd, not a solution.
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I'm not saying Obama's agenda doesn't need to be stopped, just not by an aggressive force.


And the Tea Party doesn't condone violence. They intend to use the electoral process to get the polititians in office that share their views, just like Democratic and Republican voters do. Why do you think incumbents are worried about November?

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I'm not saying Obama's agenda doesn't need to be stopped, just not by an aggressive force.


And the Tea Party doesn't condone violence. They intend to use the electoral process to get the polititians in office that share their views, just like Democratic and Republican voters do. Why do you think incumbents are worried about November?

They aren't. Nancy Pelosi isn't worried at all.

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Every afternoon I sit down and read the Wall Street Journal and the Austin Daily Herald. I have an reasonably informed opinion about what is going on in this country on a day to day basis. I don't get my information from blogs, my like-minded family and friends, and certainly not from MSNBC, FOX, CNN or the major 'news' outlets.

Ahh hmm, would you like to guess who owns the Wall Street Journal, National Geographic, and a few other media outlets you mentioned?


Unhuh...The Tea Party has been attacked by the Obama-loving Liberal media from day one and we all know that.

We just know how much Fox News loves Obama. I've acknowledged that the tea party is portrayed in a negative light by most major media sources, which is why I started this topic. Part of what inspired me to start this topic was the story with the Oregon chapter of the tea party stealing a slogan from the internet, which in all fairness they apologized for.



I was saving the Ron Paul angle, but seeing the anti-Tea Party bias here it might be a good idea.

I see more pro-tea party posters than anti-. Regardless, this is a forum mostly devoted to gaming. Gamers in general are left-wing, as video games themselves oftentimes themselves are criticized by politicians such as Jack Thompson.


"I don't like the Tea Party. I don't know their agenda or any Tea Party Members but if I did I wouldn't like them."

Actually I do, my own grandmother, but she joined the tea party mainly because of their views on immigration. At the very least, I was honest about my knowledge, or lack thereof. I could claim to have read thousands of books, be college educated, and many other things, but that is somewhat pointless in an internet forum debate.



I don't like the new incarnation of the Democratic Party. They've lost the scope and vision they had in the 1960's

If my memory of American history class is accurate, the South was predominantly democratic until the Civil Rights movement. One could also point out that Abraham Lincoln was a Republican president. It might also be worth pointing out that Washington himself warned against factions in politics.



What I don't see is their beef with the health care system recently passed. If you don't want to, you don't have to get government sponsored health care. You can stay with your Ultra Gold-Plated Supreme Plan if ya want. It's just to get care to the people who can't afford such expensive plans.

Look at it this way, Uber, you pay property taxes(either directly to the city, or indirectly through your landlord) whether or not you have children in school. Under the new health care act, you pay into this government insurance plan regardless of whether you have private insurance or not.

I get medicare deductions from my paycheck, regardless of the fact I haven't been to the doctor in nearly a decade. According to NPR, Obama has had to make a lot of concessions to insurance companies in order to get the health bill passed. I believe NPR also pointed out that the Federal government spends more on healthcare per person than any of these "socialist" governments.

I personally do not like Medicare, and don't really know enough about the bill passed in March to know whether or not it'd be an improvement over our current system.


...there is a lo of other things I wish to comment on, but I just got Starcraft 2, and won't have the patience to write long posts for awhile.

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I have a rule... Never trust an organization which encourages a fanatical following, and never try to argue with those fanatical followers since neither end up anywhere good. It's nice that you're so worked up about this, but I would urge some caution. I wasn't really invested in this debate, and am now even less so. Wake me up when the revolution is over, and try not to burn my house down in the process.


Same old, same old. Same old bias that is. None of the liberals in this thread seem to have taken on board AT ALL the fact that these Tea Party guys might actually have grasped something about Obama's agenda that you haven't. That they might just be a lot cleverer than you give them credit for and grasped the fact that an Obama type agenda WILL BANKRUPT THE USA (having looked at the example of Britain who are in BIG trouble after a dozen years and more of a Labour Government). As well as his rotten human rights record.


You are throwing around offhand remarks for no good reason. What reason do you have for that "Try not to burn my house down in the process."? None whatsoever. Not one of us who dares to state opposing views has ever advocated burning down the house or the person of those who don't agree with us.


@Sinophile, I'd be interested to see where you got that from that most gamers are left wing, but at least it's an oblique admission that since most gamers are left wing, those who are not are not really welcome to express their views, in the opinion of those who are left wing.

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Those in the U.S would do well to look at what happened in the UK over the last 13 years of the Labour government, not only did we end up living in something not a million miles away from a police state they also left the country under a mountain of debt. Those of us who could see what was happening in the early years were dismissed as raving Tories and nutters, we were proved right the end. Luckily we've now got a government who are rolling back the state and cutting spending, I shudder to think what would have happened if they had won again.
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