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The Large Yellow Squere Things With the ! Mark..


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Unless this is some strange, unusual new book that Phinteas got, i have been having trouble with those really large yellow squere things with the large gray ! mark in the middle. When i went into the store the first time, everything was all hunky dory(Good) but after downloading a few mods, i went inside and Lo and Behold! There they were.. Is there any way to get rid of these acursed marks? Are they caused by some of the mods i have downloaded?


If so, here are some of the mods im currently using..

Actors in Action, Emotion and Madness

Alchemists Cave

Armanterium(Armanterium.esm, ArmanteriumArtifacts.esp, ArmanteriumLL.esp, ArmanteriumLLArmaVendor.esp, ArmanteriumLLMagic.esp)

Artifacts (Artifacts - ArmaCompleteAddon, Artifacts.esm.esp

Bag of Holding

Capucine's Colorable Beast Hair+Eyes

A few pose mods

Dread Knight Armor Addon

Giger Battle Claws

Ice Morrigan Armor

Kikai and Slof Male Clothing

Lich King Helm

Lich Gear

Misty Hideout

Morrigan Armor Set

See You Sleep(P1Dseeyousleep - DLCVileLair.esp, P1Dseeyousleep.esp

Ragdoll Camera

RDAyleidArmor (I forgot the name of the mod. Im just looking in the Data Files)

Running4Cover's Welkynd Armors - Free

SamVime's Faint Death

Sauron Armor

Shield on Back

Silverlight Armor by Jojjo

Slof's and Orc's Armours

Slof''s Amazon Armours

Slof's Giger Armour

Slof's Male Clothing

Slof's Oblivion Goth Shop

Unfathomed Tower

Unnatural Aura

Warglaives by Jojjo



Anything? Sorry about that.. :(

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The yellow box with the ! in it means there's a missing mesh. Not sure which one of your mods would do that. Is it only at First Edition?
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I cant.. Im editing the INI file to allow screenshots (Changing bAllowScreenShot=0 to bAllowScreenShot=1. Not sure what to do with iScreenShotIndex=0 and SScreenShotBaseName=Oblivion) but it isn't letting me take the screenshots i dont think..


There is a little sack on the desk, it's just on the left of the sack (There is also another yellow squere behind the desk) trying to fiddle around with the screenshot thing to try and see if anything works.

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Can ya see it from here?



Yup! I see the sack.. The Yellow Sequere is between the sack and the candles. The other one is just next to that chest in the back, up against the wall/stairs..


Honestly though, i dont see what all could be wrong.. Everything seems okay except for the yellow squeres. Actually, i noticed it was three when i went on to check.. It's just that two of them are pretty much merged together (Next to the sack and candles) and i also, the one in the back near the chest was pretty much covering the chest and the little shelf itself.. :confused:



Im going to try what LFact Suggested and try that FormID Finder..



EDIT: BINGO! Three missing meshes are books! The Books are called "On Lycanthropy" and "Thief of Virtue". Probably the Curse of Hircine Mod? (The one covering the chest and shelf was also a book.. It was "On Lycanthropy")


EDIT EDIT: Never mind, all three books were called "On Lycanthropy" i just scrolled over the wrong book and 'Thief of Virtue' came up.. Thief of Virtue is okay.. ^_^

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