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BBB conversions - I take requests !


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I have a lot of the Speedbuster stuff as well, and I see one of the ones you like is one of my favorites, the busty knights! A lot of Speedbuster's stuff lends itself well to BBB! :devil:
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Which one was the one you didn't like Saaya? Most of Speedbusters stuff is pretty sweet. The first pic in your post discussing them where she's showing a bit, um, extra screams for bounce! :wink:
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I hate this kind of stuff :


nude pics


The shiny/glowy bodysuits, or manga-like stuff whit shiny colors. The textures sucks. Puting this on the game is a real crime. I like sexy stuff but it have to looks good, and not to come from another japanese game...


I think there are a lot of better armors on the Nexus to convert. Don't want to waste my time with more lore-friendly armors used by a so little part of the community.


I'm sorry but at the begining my project was not to convert this kind of armors...

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Ah I see. I have a lot of Speedbuster's stuff but I don't actually use it all that often. I just merged all the esps since he keeps his files nicely organized so there aren't any conflicts. I have so many Oblivion mods that even after lots of merging I still have to turn some stuff off. I notice a lot of his stuff that you do like coincides with my favorites of his work as well. :thumbsup:


And considering how much work you have already done and how much it seems you are likely to do coming up, no one should expect you to convert everything. We love what you have done and support your decisions!

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Problem with the Suicup Bikini collection : the same as DMRA stock, Blender can't load the mesh... damn


Thanks Salamander, that's cool. Working for free for a community don't means "to be a slave" ^^. If I take requests it's for let the people decide in which order I will convert the armor, not for satisfy every perv XD.


So, I tried to convert the Suicup Bikinis, you know the big pack with a lot of bikinis for Double Melon... but like the DMRA armors stock, Blender can't load the mesh... there is a problem with the DM body or something, it's odd...

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Man I wish I could get a hold of Edhildil. I love the skimpy DMRA replacers and other DM work, but I have no clue as to why the mesh doesn't work. I have zero mod experience owing to no artistic capability but I think I'll try some technical investigation.
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