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BBB conversions - I take requests !


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BBB Conversion Request:


HGEC H-A Gravity Normal


HGEC H-A cup (aka gravity H cup) Normal (non-fighter), preferably with extra-weighting (like DMRA extra weighting)


I can't believe this hasn't been requested yet (I checked). The "standard" H-cup is H-B - Implant. I know virtually all people use that. But the H-A gravity is one of the originals, and should be converted, I think. Please!


I would prefer an extra-weighting (like DMRA Extra Weighting). Both extra and standard would be great. But if you only want to do standard weighting, I'd understand.


I'd also appreicate it if you could export the lowerbody (LL would be preferred), hands, and feet to minimize seams.


Here's a link to the HG Eye Candy mod - it's the original HGEC mod:



Download is the "H-cup set"

(edited to update to correct link)


The EVE extra variants mod with all those extra bodies packed with HGEC incorrectly duplicates the H-B implant for both H-A and H-B. So, use the H-A gravity mesh from the original HGEC mod.

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BBB Conversion Request:


HGEC H-A Gravity Normal


HGEC H-A cup (aka gravity H cup) Normal (non-fighter), preferably with extra-weighting (like DMRA extra weighting)


I can't believe this hasn't been requested yet (I checked). The "standard" H-cup is H-B - Implant. I know virtually all people use that. But the H-A gravity is one of the originals, and should be converted, I think. Please!


I would prefer an extra-weighting (like DMRA Extra Weighting). Both extra and standard would be great. But if you only want to do standard weighting, I'd understand.


I'd also appreicate it if you could export the lowerbody (LL would be preferred), hands, and feet to minimize seams.


Here's a link to the HG Eye Candy mod - it's the original HGEC mod:



Download is the "H-cup set"

(edited to update to correct link)


The EVE extra variants mod with all those extra bodies packed with HGEC incorrectly duplicates the H-B implant for both H-A and H-B. So, use the H-A gravity mesh from the original HGEC mod.


Something funny, when I try to install the H-B version with my HGEC OMOD, the installer crashes ^^. So I never tested this version. But OK if you want the H-B with extra weighting I will do it.

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One question, without overwhelming of course:)

Long ago began to go to BBB the DMRA armor of Shivering Isles but did not finish the whole armor package.


Do you have plans to finish? I only have the armor, robes and clothes Shivering Isles for all the girls are BBB!.




PD: Sorry for my english :unsure:

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Treasure of Tyr released :






Due to some problems with the Heavy version, only the light version is included.


Heavy version is converted but it sucks ingame. If you want to try to fix it just ask and I upload it as a modder ressource.

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