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BBB conversions - I take requests !


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Hmmm, makes me wonder what the successor thread would be. I'm not at the request stage as of yet, I have to work on: SPB mods, Apachii Goddess store, and help with the DM wardrobe which is a lot of stuff to get through. I did some experimentation with simple alterations to the female dread knight armor, the corinthian gladiator armor, and the corinthian pit fighter armors over the last week with mixed success. But since they combine mods, it would take extensive permissions to release them if possible at all.


I'm also trying to 'feminize' Pale_Riders berserker armors, but that has been....unsuccessful to date. My lack or artistic talent does not help anything. :whistling:

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HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion E cup released :













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Will DL that in a minute, got it loaded last night and Just like the way it looks, far better then the old Exnem stock armor I use to have. Glade you showed it to me.


*edit lol Just noticed your charactor seems to be growing tired of modeling your work



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Sigh, every one of these SPB armors is built slightly differently so different issues pop up every time. I have added a patch for the BBB for SPB Belt Girl 2 knee/boot distortion issue:


BBB for SPB Belt Girl 2


Both the main file and the patch are required. Install the main file meshes and then overwrite the 2 bad meshes from the main file with the 2 good meshes from the patch.

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Thanks a lot for your efforts guys=) With BBB Oblivion gained 100% more cool to its coolness factor=)


I take it, you are still open for requests or suggestions for more conversions....


There is a piercing mod that i tend to use most of the time. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22533 do you know if it can be converted to BBB?


HGEC Amber Set http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34058


HGEC Bare Shoulder Dresses http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25014 < dunno if this was already done or not, but i dont remember seing this one...

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I might be able to get to some requests eventually, although some of these I don't have. I'm going to get the SPB E-Suits done next then I was thinking of using the extra movement weighting to re-do the Athena Sexy Chain at the Goddess store. I remember Saaya mentioning wanting to do that after he did the extra movement weighing for the DM bare body before so it would be a good thing to get done, and shouldn't take too long.
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