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The Elder Scrolls - RIse of the Horde


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Chapter 10 The Devil's Abode




Everything was in order. My cults controlled every portion of the world with money, technology, and my own rule of law. There was a new place. A place full of magic. A place I had yet to explore. Similar to this world. But different.




Yes, I like Tamriel.


I sense an offering.


Yes, a fresh offering. Pure.


Something more…A gift?


Yes, a key to yet another realm. The God of Death?


Yes…interesting. The sacrifice is female. A Mage? Yes, this can be my new wife. She will bond me to Tamriel. I must wed.


I crossed planes, and entered the new realm where Isah awaited. She is locked in a cell guarded by Mages. Her body is filled with magical potential. I never witnessed such a thing in my own realm. The Mage leader is looking for a way to remove my invitation. I cannot allow this. I must take her body back with me.


Yes…Isah's body will serve as my new form for Armageddon.


I unsealed the perfectly placed Pentagram on Isah's belly and entered her body.



Such power! There was nothing like this on earth! Such a pure and uncontaminated spirit…I levitated in my cell, and rattled the steel bars with a blast of magic. One of the Mages ran while the other stayed to hold me back.


"Leave her body demon!"


"Never!" I smiled at the foolish Altmer and laughed when he tried using a minor Dispel on me. "Show me your soul!" I grabbed the bars, and ripped them out one by one. More Mages emerged from the steps leading to the floor above. The one holding a talking staff was the first to speak.


"I am the Arch-Mage of the Arcane University!"


"Show me your soul!" I yelled.


"Unhand her Devil!"


The Arch-Mage tried binding me in place but I was too powerful. His abilities were impressive…but I was the reigning malevolent force on my home world. I tore away the Mage's binding spell, ripped the ceiling from the dungeon, and levitated high into the air. Summoning power from the depths of Hell was easy here. With a moderate amount of flames in my possession, I hurled a massive fireball at the entire dungeon and the building collapsed almost instantly.


Mages emerged from every corner of the blazing rubble.


All seemed able to avoid my Hellfire, but one of the older Mages was within my immediate grasp. When he strayed from the group, I attacked. Tearing into his stomach was easy…robes made for poor armor. A handful of guts later; I now admired how entrails appeared in Isah's hand.




Her body is worthy of possession.


The Mage's screams are music to my ears. Intoxicating…the chorus of wails forms a delightful symphony when shouted loudly. I twirl Isah's body in circles from delight but keep my head straight, staring at the Arch-Mage. He wants to release his full power on me, but fear of hurting Isah is holding the Arch-Mage back. Two other Mages transport their injured comrade out of the chamber while the Arch-Mage summons a tornado.


"Leave Isah's body at once Devil! The Nine Divines demand your banishment!"


The tornado was filled with icicles made from holy water. Poison! I can ward them away…but the pummeling shards damage my hold on Isah's spirit!


The Arch Mage held his staff upright. "Isah! You must fight him! Don't let the Devil steal your soul! Fight back! I can only open a path back into our realm! You must fight your way through!"


"I hear you, Raminus! I won't let him take me!"


Damn, I can't feel my body again…the Devil regained control of my body. I'm still able to think for myself, but had to fight for every bit of consciousness…


"Your soul belongs to me now!" The Devil lifted my hands skyward, and soaked the pristine clouds above with the blood of sinful humans. Rain immediately dropped from the sky. The red torrent pummeled the Arch-Mage's tornado until it fell apart and that's when I attacked.


The Devil in all his fury, failed to gather Gorah's key from me.


Costly mistake.


Like a tightly knotted rope, I spent the day unraveling Gorah's key from my spirit, and held the object up as I stalked my prey. The key was fanged shaped and made for the perfect weapon. With the key gripped tightly in both hands, I sneaked out of the subconscious mind, stabbed the Devil through his back, and watched as the tip punctured the demon's black heart.


Screaming miserably, the Devil fell from my body and right into the black hole leading to his own realm. The effects of possession were severe. As I regained control of my body, I immediately fell from the sky when my exhausted limbs failed to respond. Barely conscious, I could feel someone catch me. Cradle, me…our bodies hovered over the burning dungeon rubble. Looking up to Raminus is why I fell asleep right there, with a smile on my face…

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