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Hello there I just made this topic cuz I was just playing MW2.

Suddenly it crashed down.

I restarted steam and it needed an update.

But it always stopped at either 46 or 48%.

I restarted the update and it stopped again.

Anyone has a solution for this?

If these basterds wouldnt own Call of Duty MW2 I would never have installed that piece of junk.

Curse you steam, curse you sucker!

I mean, now I can't play steam games even though I HAVE an internet connection?

That really sucks.

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Be glad Monster Hunter Master.


I was banned from Call Of Duty along with the entire population of my server and my clan. Valve banned us and sent us an offensive email, but then discovered that our "cheating" was actualy an error on their own machines. We never got an apology or compensation, none of the 17,000 people effected likely got anything. Steam's staff promised a personal apology would be handed out and a copy of Left 4 Dead 2. This is one of the worst FPS games this decade, so they could keep their charity even if it arrived, which it hasnt. I got no apolgy, I didnt even get re instated.


These arrogant scum didnt even fix the glitch that saw me booted in the first place. Aye, steam can burn in hell for what they've done to ruin my experience of gaming, and for preventing me access to my own private property. /signed

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I'll just point out the Modern Warfare 2 is probably the most grossly overrated pieces of junk to ever hit gaming (all formats) in my opinion, and leave it at that. (Ahem, excuse me. I have a special ire for Call of Duty fanbois, especially after that IWnet debarkle and the fact that you have to pay another £20 or so to get maps which probably will become manditory for the multiplayer. It is a future that I don't want.)


Fun fact: although the counter may indicate otherwise, all Steam downloads resume at the point where you left off. Also, the PC version of Modern Warfare 2 has a lower Metacritic rating (86) than the PC version of Left 4 Dead 2 (89).

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The only reason I use it is because I can't go out and buy 18 games myself. I'm not a Steam fanboy, I think Steam has a long way to go on the road to perfection, but it is one of the best digital download services out there.


Yes, sometimes you can't play offline and sometimes things like what happened to you happen, but it doesn't happen very often.


It's not perfect but it has the foundations for a very solid service which in a few years won't have any of these problems.

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Guess what?

Just had to update steam again.

Yesterday it finished the update after reinstalling it.

In the morning I was able to play steam games.

I turned the PC off.

Later I turned it on and again Steam update.

Now it stops at 49%.

Curse you Infinity Ward for using steam on call of duty!!!


Anyone has a solution for this?

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Lol what are you talking about? Bathrooms?


Ontopic: nah, no problem with my pc. I googled it up and a lotta people seem to have this problem. After reinstalling steam several times it worked. Now I have to reinstall Call of Duty again too.

It's just one of steams errors I guess.

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Steam's been acting funny lately for me. It's been losing connection a lot. I just hate how Steam has a new client update all the time, seems like 3 or 4 times a day I have to restart it because "a new Steam client has been found" blah blah. *sigh* I miss the old Steam...


Whatcha can do about if it freezes when it's updating games is to pause the download and then resume it...normally starts it back up again.


Also another good thing to do so you don't have to re-download CoD...is to backup the files :) Right click on the game and hit "Backup Game Files", pick your directory where you want it to be (default is Steam/Backups...I put mine on my backup drive), and wait. It takes awhile. It will backup the game with all the updates and the like....ohh even splits the files up, if necessary, so you can burn to CD or DVD...that's new :D Then when you want to re-install the game...go to Steam; Backup and Restore Games...; Restore a Previous Backup. Much quicker than having to re-download the whole game, get all the updates, etc. I do it for TF2...gotten crazy big, rather not have to wait 4-6 hours for it to re-download...even longer for you :( So, when you get it all downloaded with the updates...back it up :) Guessing that game is ridiculously large...hope you got HDD space :P

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