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carriable compass


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um, yeah, self-explanatory. i really don't know why this wasn't done with everyone's obsession with immersion.


compasses have been used since long ago. Imagine a glass ball, filled with water, and a small, magnetic filing placed in it. You could hold the ball and when in first person mode, would be held close to you so that you could see where you were going.


you would need a piece of glass, some water, and a Corrodium Ingot (that stuff looks magnetic).

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that is not a compass, that is a homing signal. and while it works sort of, my idea is for something that is just a compass. That way i don't need to open my compass to get to it. I can simply make a hotkey and have my guy pull out a compass

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Shadow, yes, i want an actual compass that i hold in my hand, that works like an actual compass.


and what the compass shows can easily edited.


If you just put a needle, then it would only show which way was north, but if you were to put a disk in the ball, and mark the sides with the directions, and put a magnetic needle in the middle, it would easily show all the directions.

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